James Imagine

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Hey! I've been feeling invisible lately like people around me don't see me.Like I'm just a wind that just pass by.And it hurts me.So glad I have my family.

This is the feeling that hurts the most.So I got this imagine from what I feel todayy.Don't blame me if I cut myself.

Winter wind blows on my face as I come home crying once again.People around me are treating me like a piece of trash everytime I say a single word they would shut me up.It hurts me a lot.My friends turned their back against me.All that I have left was my best friend,James.

When I'm down and feeling blue he was always there to comfort me and tell me everythings going to be fine then he'll sing my favorite songs.He's the reason for my smile.That's why I fell inlove with him.Ever since Grade 6 when he fought the guys who bullied me.He got bruises and cuts all over his face.I told him to not do that again.

He just shrug his shoulder and say 'You are worth fighting for.I could never let them hurt my best friend.You are important to me,(Y/N)' My heart beats fast than the normal rate.I was assuming things.I thought he love me back but I was wrong.

He's dating some slutty asshole bitch that I don't like at all.Not a single soul can't make me to like her not even James.I caught her cheating on James once.But when I told him that he got mad at me and well he doesn't talk to me.He's all I have but when that happened I lose him too.

I reach my house.I knock on the door and my brother opens it.He doesn't like me either.

"Yo! Lazy bitch!"

"What asshole?!"

"Don't you ever call me that!"

"Okey,Your highness what could I do for you?!"

"Forget it!"

I ignored him and walk straight to my room.I lay down the bed face first.I turn around and once I did I saw mine and James photos when we were still close.That slut ruined everything! I remove the photos from my bed frame and throw it on my trash can.Crying my eyes out.

I get the blade near my desk.I'm going to end this suffering pain once and for all.I slide the blade on my wrist.I see blood streaming down from it.

I've done three cuts.

1.For being invisible

2.For all the hell that happened to me

3.And for loosing my bestfriend/first love

I was shaking more blood is streaming down my skin.I'm getting pale by the minute and no one was able to save me.

*6 years later*

James' POV:

"(Y/N) I'm so sorry.I didn't know that you love me.Why didn't you tell me sooner.I love you too and I always have.You were right when you told me that Yumi is cheating on me.I didn't believe you and I should've.I'm so sorry.Please forgive"

I wipe my tears as I place the flower on (Y/N)'s tombstone.Its all my fault.

And now she's gone forever.

Author's Note:

I have the urge to cut myself.I feel so stupid.I feel like I'm invisible.

I know some of them hates me.I get bullied in school so now I'm afraid to go back to school.Help me Rushers please O don't want to cut myself again.

#ImInvisible*sad face*

-Yela Maslow♡

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