James Imagine

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All of my life I have been told that no one can love me.Then there came you.I was lost until I found you and I figured out you are my home.My friends told me that somebody out there is looking for me.And he's going to find me sooner or later.Now,I found you and it felt like I'm the luckiest girl alive.So here we go.

Wait! Shouldn't he be the one who's making the first move not me? Okey focus (Y/N) just introduce yourself and ask him if he would like to hang-out.I was about to walk towards him but some girl was with him.His girlfriend perhaps.

Okey,Just turn away before anything else happened.I turn away and I got bump into the school dumb ass Brent."Hello there sweet thang".You know this guy had flirting with me since I got here.

"How dare you called me that? I am not interested." I snap at him.I don't know maybe he got angry so I got carried on his shoulder roughly."Hey put me down will ya!" I kept on punching his back.Once we got into the library he put me down and begins to kiss me roughly.

"AHH! PLEASE STOP!" Didn't I told you that we are having a school dance? Well we are and right now I might be misuse.I pushed him away from him and slap him.But that made him more mad.He attacked my neck this time trying to tear my dress.Until somebody pulled him away from me.I ran away in fear.

A minute later.I heard footsteps coming into the janitor's closet.I move backward hiding my tiny body into this small closet.Then something drop.Oh shit! The door flung open.And someone grab my arm.

"AHHH! DON'T HURT ME! DON'T HURT ME!" I said while not looking at this person."It's okey I'm not gonna hurt you."

In my curiousity I look at him and his the guy that I want to know."Are you okey?" He ask me.He's hazel eyes are sparkling.I don't what came over me but I just leaned in and kiss him.I'm surprise that he kissed me back too.But I quickly pulled away when I realize that this guy has a girlfriend."Erm I'm sorry that I kissed you." I shyly said as I tuck my hair behind my ear."Uhmm,Actually that was quite nice."

He admitted.I look at him with shocked expression."Ahaha,I'm James by the way."


"(Y/N) I know who you are"

"Ookey? How did you know me?"

"Because..Uhh,I h-have a huge crush on you ever since I saw you when you came in this school.But then Brent dibs on you and I couldn't break the bro code."

"DIBS?! BRO CODE?! That's the silliest thing I have ever heard.But how come I didn't see you."

"Because Brent told me to distance myself from you."

"THAT JERK!." I curled my fist."HEY (Y/N)! JAMES GET AWAY FROM HER!" I'm terrified to hear Brent's voice.I slowly turn around and once I saw him coming here I hide behind James back."HOW CAN I GET AWAY FROM HER?! WHEN YOU ARE HERE! JEEZ! BRENT YOU NEARLY MISUSED HER! SO SHUT THE FUCK UP! I love this girl okey."

I felt my heart melt."I love you too James." I quietly said but James must have heard it because he turned around."You do?" I didn't say a word instead I kissed him."Ugh! Whatever.I don't love her anyway.I was just trying to have sex with her." Well that made me mad so what I did next is I went to him and kick his thing."That's what you get for messing with the wrong girl.Lets just get away from here James."


We didn't finish the party instead.I told James that we should go to my house instead and there we could hang-out."Wow! You got a huge a house."

"Nope,This is quite small actually compares to my uncle's mansion." Right now we are both inside my room."So you have a rich family?"

"Say all you want." I went to my closet and strip infront of James.While I tried to find something comfortable to wear.Suddenly I feel someone kisses my neck.I turn around and met James lips.

"(Y/N) I want you now!" James whispered in my ears.I didn't say anything instead I just gave him a kiss.I feel him lick my bottom lips asking my permission if he could enter my mouth.Permission accepted.Our tongues are fighting for dominance.James back me up on the wall as he removes my pants.Then he begins to unclasp my bra with one swift move..I bet his an expert at this kind of thing."J-James.." James attacks my neck this time.He earned a moan from me.

Its my turn to strip him and I did.What left now is our underwear.I wrap my legs on his hip as we made our way to my bed.He drops me slowly then climbs up.He trails some kisses on my jawline,neck,collarbone and my chest."Ahhh! James.." I screamed once he plunge one finger in my lady thing."Gosh! You're already wet! Damn it now aren't that sexy"

"No you are sexy.." I pulled him up then kisses him hard.."My turn to give you my territory." I flip us over and now I'm the one who's on top of him.

I kisses him with so much passion.I did give him my "territory claim". I heard him groan as I grind my hips on him."(Y/N) can we please stop this teasing! I can't take it anymore."

"As you wish my prince." I remove his underwear and he did the same with mine.Then he flips us over so now I'm under him once again.He aligned himself to my wet folds.Teaser! "JAMES! JUST FUCK ME NOW!"

He slammed himself into me."AHHHH!"

"Thus that hurt."

"NO! Now move!" I demanded.He moves at a slow pace and by the second it became harder and faster.The room was filled with our moans."Oooh James hit that spot again..AHH! Fuck yeah."

"My dirty girl." He kisses my lips as he keeps on moving I felt my wall closing."James I'm gonna cum."

"Cum baby." Without even saying a word I release my juices."AHHH! THAT FELT GOOD!" James kept on entering me.Exit and enter..That felt nice.Then I feel him release his warm juice inside of me too.

James collapses on top of me.We are both breathing heavily and tired.Not tired enough to have another make-out session.

After a minute later...We are just in bed nothing better to do but keep on kissing evey now and then.We couldn't help ourselves."That was the best sex I have ever had.You are really good in bed."

"Shut up.No I'm not.You're the only one who controlled me." I circled my index finger on his bare chest."So I guess you're my girlfriend now?"

"YES! I am." I kissed him.


Author's Note:

Sorry if that sucks! I tried my best on making a dirty imagine for y'all #DirtyRushers out there.

HAHA. Is it good enough? Thus that boggled your innocent mind XD?

Anywho,Enjoy while it last :)

Long time,no update :D

-Yela Maslow♥

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