Kendall Imagine~ Joy

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Dedicated to: MissPositiveSchmidt I hope you like what I have in stored for you. Okay, I'm gonna start now.


People often say that...being married is tough especially when your husband's not always by your side, instead doing his job and going home late at night because of over-time. But to a particular lady named, Joy, she don't mind if her husband, Kendall Schmidt come home late at night. She understands him well and that make their marriage strong.

They've been married for a very long time now. Since Kendall hasn't been home because of tours and recording songs he decided that he'll take a month break from everything by means of everything it includes holding his precious guitar and not visiting his beloved music video just to make time for her wife. Now that it's been settled he comes home not making any sound.

As he made his way inside he spotted his lovely wife in the kitchen with earphones plug in both of her ears and she seems to get lost in its beats. He smiled as he put his finger under his chin thinking, 'How did I get lucky to find such an amazing woman like her? I'm glad I chose her.' While he watches his wife sway her hips carefully while stirring something on the bowl. She slowly turn around with the bowl in her arms still stirring and an unaware that her husband is standing on the kitchen entrance watching her every move like a spy.

Once Joy had realizes that he's been standing on the entrance, she jumped and glare at his husband. Kendall as a dork he was chuckled then walk towards his wife, who's now molding a the dough. He slowly hug her from behind and give her left cheek a small peck,"You know you could've said a word and prevent me from getting startle. You know how I hate it when you do that." She says. His hug tightened as if it was saying how sorry he was, how he knows that she's a bit mad but soon it will gone away once he reveals why he's home early. She realizes that and as soon as she did, Joy faces her husband who's smilling down at her,"Well, this is interesting. Why are you home early?"

"You guess it." A sexy smirk plastered on Kendall's face. The smirk that makes her tummy do back flips. She brought her index finger to her lips while thinking for a minute, before she could even say a word, Kendall hands him an envelope,"Go open it up." He says with a smile, dimples showing. She did not hesitate. Her face light up once she saw what's in it. A ticket for a trip in Paris, France. Every girls dream and now he's making it a dream come true for his beloved wife,"Oh, my gosh! Kendall this is amazing. But what about the kids?" She ask remembering that their kids doesn't have someone to accompany them while their parents are in Paris.

"Don't worry, babe. I already talked to Momma about it and she'll accompany our kids while we're out of country." He kisses her forehead as she closes her eyes and cherish the moment with him.

Paris, France

Now, the two had finally reached the city of love. Joy quickly went to the huge balcony of their hotel as the wind blew her hair perfectly as she held onto the railings while looking at the majestic view which is the Eiffel Tower, Paris greatest work of art. She looks at it in awe then Kendall soon joined her and hug her from behind as she leans her on his chest hearing his soft heart beat.

"This place is so perfect." She stated while holding onto Kendall's hand which is located in her belly. The man with dirty blonde hair kisses his wife's head as he turns her around to kiss her lips, not a moment less it begun to get heated up and things just got rougher by the minute.

Before they know it, both of them are naked in bed with Kendall on top of her still giving his wife multiple kisses from the lips to her neck and lastly her chest. Moans from their mouth get louder by the minute as he enters himself to her entrance while his wife tells him to go faster and harder. It went on like that for an hour as they both finally reached their climax coming together.

After their rough yet romantic moment they just lie down on the bed with nothing to think about except their undying love for one another. ❤

Hellooooo! I hope you had enjoy this imagine. Tell me what you think.~Yela

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