Kendall Imagine

978 20 0

This is dedicated to my friend Hazzel Jocson.

Hope you enjoy this imagine.


Things are seems to be in a blur.I don't know why but every person that I have met kept leaving me behind.One of my friend treats me like I'm a piggy bank.She had destroyed my trust.All of them are telling me that I'll be nothing when I'm old.

Until one day I have met someone named Kendall Schmidt.He had change my belief my trust are in full blown once more.He gave me so much reason to love him.We've been dating for almost 5 years now.Lately,I've been feeling really sick and most of the time my mood changes.I have ask my two loyal friends about it.

My friend Ella said."Hazzel you better get some check-up.We are not sure if you and Kendall are expecting." Why'd I ask for her help? Well because she already had experience this things.In fact she's James Maslow's wife and they have twins.I did went to the doctor.

And there's a good news for Kendall.I'm going to tell him once he gets back from tour.Which is tomorrow.

>>The next day<<

Here we go Kendall is coming home.And I can't wait to tell him the news.I've been waiting for him.I miss him so much.I miss being in his arms.

This time the airport is pretty much crowded until I saw his oh so familiar hat."KENDALL!" I screamed he looks at my way.He drops his bags as he engulf me in a warm embrace kissing me repeatedly.

"Oh my gosh! I miss you so much Baby Doll."

"I miss you more KenDoll.By the way I need to tell you something." I said."Well what about we talk about it over dinner at our favorite restaurant?"

"That would be perfect."

"Great.And I also have something important to tell you." He asked while smiling wide.

"I have something to tell you too.But like you said we'll talk about it over dinner."

"Alrighty then come on."

He held my hand in his gripping it tight as if he never wants to let me go.This is very peculiar why is this restaurant empty."Uhh,Ken why is this restaurant empty?"

"You'll see." Once we got inside I saw someone dancing.Until many people came out and dance soon Kendall joined them the song is 'Marry You' by Bruno Mars.Kendall held a mic in his hands."Hazzel Jocson my baby doll.You don't know how much I've been planning all of this..Well I must admit I needed my boys and your girls help.And it was a success.So now what I'm trying to say is.." He walks towards me and kneel down on one knee."Will you marry me?"

I cover my mouth as he took out the stunning ring out of his pocket."Kendall Schmidt! Yes! I would love to marry you.But first I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" I didn't say anything.Instead I gave him my ultrasound picture."Y-you're pregnant?"

"Yes! I am! You're going to be a father KenDoll!"

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! Guys! I'm a daddy! I'm a daddy!" He repeatedly shout as he lifts me up and spins me around."I love you so much Baby Doll!"

"I love you more my KenDoll." He cups my face in his huge hands and gave me a kiss.

This is the best day ever for all of us.


Author's Note:

Sorry for not updating that much.Is that I'm busy with schools,practice and stuffs.But I promise once our Sembreak had started I'll updated more.

~Yela Maslow♥

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