James Imagine

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Your POV:

"Look (Y/N), Is that James with another...Girl?" I look towards where my friend,(Y/F/N) pointed.

"Yes he is! That stupid good for nothing bastard"

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going home!"

I didn't exactly go home.I stop by in the park to have a little time for myself.Why James? Why? Why did you have to cheat on me? Is that girl way better than me!? Well if she is then I wouldn't have got myself pregnant.

Yes! You heard me right.James David Maslow got me pregnant.

After that walk I decided to go home.That's odd I lock this house before I left.I bet James is already home.

"James?" I called as I put the keys into the kitchen counter.Who's jacket is this? This isn't mine.I walk upstair.And I hear some noises coming from mine and James' bedroom.I opened it.Then my heart broke into a million pieces.I just stand there frozen.


I run away."(Y/N),Wait I can explain" He said while trying to hold my hand.I pulled it away from him.

"Why?" I whispered tears are now forming."Why? What did I do wrong?!"


I turned around and face him."Nothing?! Nothing?! James! You fucking cheated on me! I saw you fucking another girl! And now all you could say is nothing"

"Baby,Come on let me explain"

"Don't call me baby!" I pulled the ring on my finger."You can keep your ring! I'm done! We're fucking done!"

I throw the ring at him.Later that night I slept on my mother's house.She knows that I'm pregnant."Honey,Someone wants to see you"


"Me" I was shocked to see James."Look (Y/N) I am so sorry that I cheated on you.I'm sorry that I'm so stupid to cheat on my kid's mother"

I get startled,"W-what did you just say?"

"I'm so stupid to cheat on my kid's mother"

"H-how did you know I'm pregnant?"

"I saw those prenancy test under the sink covered with a lot of tissues."

"I don't know James.I don't know if I could trust you again"

"I promise that I won't cheat on you ever again"

"But how can we start again?"

"Well I think that our child will be a good way to start again,Start a family"

He kneel down once again."Please take this ring back and marry me?"

I stand up and hug him."Yes! I will marry you"

"Yes! I love you!"

"I love you more James"

He kisses me.And that's the start of a new journey.Having a baby wasn't so bad after all.In fact it brought me and James closer.<3
Author's Note:


My James Maslow shouldn't have been eliminated.I feel so sad but still I'm proud that he was able to show how amazing he is...People should know that by now<3 Dancing With The Stars should know it by now.

He got eliminated so what?! People cannot change what I feel about him.His such an awesome,fun loving and caring guy.

I love him for being him not the popular one<3

To James,

You got eliminated,so what?! at least your not eliminated from my heart.You will always be a winner to me.I'm so proud of you baby.Always remember that we Rushers are here for you,I'm here for you."Even if you can't see me there I'll catch you when you fall".You did your best and if DWTS couldn't see that then they are definitely absolutely blind.Remember win or loose I'm always here to support you.I love you sooooo much<3


Ps,Hope you enjoy this imagine :*

-Yela Maslow♡

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