Logan Imagine~Fatima

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Dedicated to: HendersonLoverxoxo I hope you like what I have in-store in this imagine.

Years had passed and I'm still stuck from the ghost of the past.I'm still asking for some question...Why did we broke up in the first place? It puts a huge question mark in my head.This world is full of cruelty am I the one who had been rotten? I am certain that I did not cheat on her.


She told me that I should met her at our favorite spot in town.So I did I drive towards that place with flowers in my hands.

Once I got there I saw her back was turned against me so I sneak upon her.She got startled then slap my arm.I lean in then kisses her back she didn't response instead she quickly pulled away from me,"What's wrong?" I ask with worried in my tone.

"Logan.." She started,"I wanted you to come here I want to tell you something." Oh shit! This is bad I can feel it.

"W-what?" I answered with trembling voice.My hands are sweating.

"We need to break up." Once that word left her mouth I feel my world had crashed upon me.Those five simple words causes me to fall down on the ground.I was helpless.Tears are beginning to form in my eyes,one had escape,"Wawawhy? Did I do something wrong?"

"It's not you Logan.It's me.Goodbye." I was about to say something else but she had left me before I could even stand up on my own feet.That really breaks my heart.

*End of Flashback*

Now I cannot move on.I was the man who can't be moved just like in that song from The Script.We had met in their concert actually,it was love at first sight.Our memories kept haunting me I felt uneasy,boredom strikes me.I got no one else but this agony.It was my friend,my companion since that day we broke up.Now I'm roaming around downtown.

Snow is beginning to fall.I look over at some local coffee shop.Ugh! Am I being delusional? Is that her or is it just my--It is her! Wow! She had completely change big time.

She even has a new boyfriend.Dang it! Logan.Just ignore that for now.I was about to return home when all of a sudden I heard someone shouted.It's on that alley.I quickened my pace.Once I got there I saw Fatima being harass by her boyfriend,so I got in between them and punch him until his on the floor,"Logan?!" I heard her said before I got  punch as well.I got up and grab the guys collar then said,"What are trying to do to her you bastard?!" I begun to choke him.

"Logan don't you're gonna kill him!" I didn't listen to her but when I heard her crying it made me soft.I look back at the guy then let him go as he runs away from me.

"Fatima.Don't cry." I hugged her then she hugged me back as well all the pain had vanished in thin air.I feel at ease once more.

"I miss you."

"I miss you more." After all that happened I took her to my house since it is five blocks away from this alley.Once we got there I ask her to sit on the couch as I grab the medicine kit then starts to clean her cuts and bruises.

"Fatima.Why did you dated that guy?"

"How did you know he's my boyfriend?" She ask.Astouned!

"The way he holds you." The place went quiet.Then suddenly Fatima broke it.

"Why did we broke up?" She ask now I was the one who got astouned.

"I don't know."

"Sorry Logan.I know that I broke your heart.I swear that was the stupidest move I have ever done." She lower her head.

"It is no one's fault." I put my hand under her chin then lift it up.She looks into my eyes then it sparkled,"I still love you Logie."

"I still love you too." I lean in then connect my lips to hers giving it a sweet kiss.Once we pulled away I stare into her eyes,"Will you be my girlfriend again?"

"Yes Logan.I would love to." I hug her tight and I am not planning to let her go ever again.

Heyya! Hope you like it. Did I get what you wanted? Enjoy.

~Yela Maslow

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