James Imagine~Savannah

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Dedicated to: @SavannahHelms
A/N: I know that this is long due. Sorry about that I'm just soooo busy. I hope you don't mind. Anyway here's your imagine. Enjoy.


It's Christmas time and your spending it with the person you love the most, your husband, James David Maslow. You guys are married for 3 years now and will have your first baby.

"James? Hubby? Can you please help me with decorating this tree?" You shouted as he came out from the kitchen with only an apron, his pants and toque like he was some effin hot materchef in an exclusive restaurant. You watch him move as he reach you.

"Can you do it later? I'm in the middle of cooking." He says with pure love in it's tone. You gave him a nod.

"Yeah. Why don't I help you instead?" Before you could even move a feet, he stops you,"Now, now, Savannah. You must not stressed yourself. Just relax wifey and I'll do the rest."

You smiled at his enthusiasm. You rub your 9 months belly as you take a sit in the couch, James saw you struggling so he helped you.

"Thanks babe. Having a large belly on Christmas day sure is a struggle." You chuckle as James went in for a kiss. You gave him a teasing smile,"What was the kiss for?" You ask.

"Mistletoe." He pointed at the top of your guys head and there it is. The plant that makes the lovers kiss during Christmas time,"Blame it on the mistletoe babe."

"Hahaha, very funny, you used Kendall's song idiot." You both laugh as he returned into the kitchen. You feel like you're about to pee so yoi decided to stand up but once you did there was a sound of a balloon that's filled with water and then suddenly it pop. You realize that your water finally broke, you freak out at first but then called James.

"Oh my. I'll just go grab the baby bag so we can go." He quickly went upstair as you sit back down on the couch while taking a breath as a sharp pain run across your belly.

"AHH! JAMES HURRY UP." You screamed as another pain came around your belly. Finally! At long last James came down with the baby bag and was now wearing a shirt. He carried you bridal style to his car and start the engine then drive to the nearest hospital. Nurses and doctors begun assisting the two of you.

Soon you're in the delivery room ready to give birth to your first child. You push and push until finally you heard an angelic cry. Tears of joy run down to your face same goes for James. He came towards the doctor to cut the umbilical cord.

"Congrats Mr and Mrs. Maslow. You have a healthy baby girl." You guys smiled as your husband brought you the bundle of joy who just came out from your womb. 9 months of morning sickness, cravings and mood swings was nothing to you anymore for you have receive the greatest gift on Christmas day.

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