Kendall Imagine~ Jennifer

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A/N: Hey @Kendallsangelwwheels sorry for this late imagine. I've been very busy with my other stories and college. I hope you understand anyway here's your request I hope you'll love it~~

Kendall's POV:

I'm already missing my angel. We're currently in our soundcheck, a moments away from the concert. This is the last performance and after this I'll get back in Jennifer's loving arms.

"Dude, your turn." James said as I followed his voice to see that they're already starting. After that I take a rest on my dressing room at the couch. Once I close my eyes it directly lead me to my dreamland.


Hmmm, where am I? I scan the area to see if there's something familiar to me when I was looking around I heard a scream. I quickly run towards the alley and there I saw Jennifer getting beated by my obsess fans. She's asking for my help I was about to come and rescue her...


"JEEEEEN!" I screamed as beads of sweats formed on my forehead. My chest are heaving. I look around and saw that I was still in my dressing room suddenly someone barge inside the dressing room, my three amigos.

"Man! Are you okay? Why did you scream?" Logan bombarded me with questions.

"Yeah, I just had a nightmare. What time is it?" Carlos look at his wrist watch and told me that our concert will start in one hour. So we all get ready.


Jennifer's POV:

"Momma Schmidt will you keep this from Kendall? I don't want him to worry about me." I said while Momma Schmidt stays by my side in the hospital bed holding my hand.

"I don't know sweetie. He has to know someone. Ugh! Why did that fans go wild? They have no respect anymore." I just gave a smile when all of a sudden my laptop glows and then Skype came popping up telling me that Kendall wants to talk. Oh no!

"Help me."

"Jennifer, sweetheart, he needs to know." I just sighed as Momma Schmidt click the answer button. The man I love pop in my screen.

"Jen, baby! Wh-where are you?" He ask worriedly. Just what I expected.

"She's in the hospital hunny." Momma Schmidt answered for me.

"Whaaat?! Why is she there?" Her voice mixed with a tone of concern and angry.

"A rude fan, beaten her. She was just about to go back to her apartment when all of a sudden someone grabbed her towards the alley and they punched the lights out of her." I cried as Momma Schmidt explains everything. My head is down, not wanting to see the hurt in his eyes.

"I'll return as soon as I can. In the meantime I need to go. Jennifer, honey, be strong. I'll come home as soon as possible." He stated.

"K-Kendall, what about the--" He cuts me off.

"Forget about it. I'm coming home as soon as possible." I just sighed and hope for the best. Soon, Momma Schmidt has to leave. I needed my rest so I close my eyes and sleep.

When the morning comes. I felt a hand holding mine and I slowly opened my eyes to see a pair of mesmerizing green eyes meeting mine,"Kendall!" I was about to get up and give him a hug but he stops me.

"Baby, just lay down." I do as he said. Kendall gave my forehead a kiss,"I miss you so so so much. Sorry that this had happen to you. I should've taken you with me."

"Ken-sweetie, don't blame yourself for this okay. It's not your fault. I miss you more." He leans in towards me and gave me a huge hug.

"I promise to never leave your side ever again. I love you so much." Kendall pulls away from our hug and gave me multiple kisses as his lips made its way to mine giving it a very sweet kiss.

"I love you more, you dork." We laugh it all up and before I know it I was out in the hospital for good.

Last A/N: Sorry I kept you waiting. I do hope that you'll love this imagine. Keep rockin' girl! \m/

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