Logan Imagine~ Ree

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I feel like I live in such a lonely world with nothing left to spend my day with. I'm tired from my daily routine.

Eat. Sleep. Internet then repeat the cycle. I just couldn't break the habit. One day my friend ask me to go to a concert with her. I agreed but before I did I have searched for the band. It was Big Time Rush. I look at their pictures. Ugh. So much hotness.

Ooh, this guy looks amazing. It was life at first picture. The day had finally come and I was very excited. For once in my life I have something to get excited. I met with my best friend infront of the stadium's door. I kept on fidgeting.

"Someone's a bit excited. What happened to you, Ree? I thought that you're not interested in them." I just smiled at her. A warm and real smile.

"Can't a girl change her mind?"

"I guess you can." The door had been finally open and before we knew it we were rocking to their song, Love me Love me. This guys are awesome.

"Love me! Love me! Say you're gonna love me. I know you're ready to go." There he is, the guy with the black hair and dimples. Logan. He's so handsome in real life. The concert is about to end but the tall, skinny and blonde hair guy; Kendall spoke into the microphone.

"Before we end this night. We would like to sing to you guys our song Worldwide and you know what that means...We need some WWG up in here." The thousand of fangirls scream louder it made my eardrum ring. I close my eyes and inhale. Once I have open it a hand was already stretched out for me to take.

"Reeee! Go take Logan's hand. You lucky dawg." He smiled at my friend. I was mesmerize his chocolate brown eyes. I smile then took his hand. My best friend cheer.

They begun singing. His voice sounds spectacular. It feels like an angel is singing to me. I stare at this beautiful creature as he stares back at me. My heart race a million times its normal late. Dammit! This is really a something.

A start of something new.

The concert was finally over and my best friend was still in cloudnine, so was I. We were about to walk farther away from the arena when all of a sudden I heard a bus beeping and stopping to wherever I am.

Then, the handsome, Logan Henderson went down their tour bus and walk right to me,"Hey. Can I get your name?" I was surprise to hear him asked me that.

"I'm Ree."

"Well Ree, I'm here to ask you a very importang question." He utter.

"And what is that?"

"Will you go on a date with me?"

That day, that word. Changes my lonely world into a very happy and full life world. Now, my world is full of lights-thousand of lights in my life ever since Logan came into my life.

Now we're 5 years married and have three amazing children. I am so glad that my best friend took me to that concert. And I will never ever forget that.~


Hello Ree, sorry for the delay. I hope you love what I have in stored in your imagine. I'm sorry if it is a bit short. Anyway, enjoy.

Oh one more thing, readers, 1825 is officially published. You can read it now. Byeeee and thanks for the support. Love you my kittens :* mwa.


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