Kendall Imagine~Cassie

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Cassie's POV:

I was just cleaning my house when all of a sudden I heard my phone rings.I went to the living room and get my phone,answer the call.

"Hey baby"

"Hey Kendall,wazzup?"

"I was wondering if you know..Have a movie night at my house?"


"Great.What are you doing by the way?"

"I was just cleaning my house cause I got nothing better to do.How about you?"

"I'm here alone at my house with nothing much to do but being bored in my own little world"

"Why don't you organize your things?"

"Hey! Life's too short to organize,remember?"

"Yeah.Okey I got to finish cleaning now.Bye I love you"

"Okey bye I love you too"

*Movie Night*

Its time for the movie night with Kendall.Yep! I'm in his house.I was really surprise when I saw his apartment organized.He's not that lazy after all.

"So what do you like to watch?"

He ask me while giving him his million dollar smile showing those dimples of his.

"What you got there?"

"Hmmm,I got the Scary Movie,The Notebook,A Walk To Remember and The Conjuring,Well pretty much everything"

"How about we watch The Notebook.I really love that movie"

"Alright then.Just sit back and relax"

The movie started and I grab the popcorn which is on the coffee table.I can feel Kendall staring at me.I smiled.

"I'm not in the movie you know"

"Oh sorry about that"

He then focused on the movie.

Halfway through the movie I can feel Kendall kissing my neck I couldn't concentrate anymore so I paused the movie and turn my attention to Kendall.Once I turn around he pulled my face and kiss me.

I kissed back.I feel him licking my lower lip asking for entrance I gladly welcome him.Once he was in we begin to fight for dominance,of course him winning.

I pull away for a second then he reconnect his lips to my neck.I let out a small moan.He then lies me down on the couch and then climb on top of me kissing me roughly yet gently.



"Make love to me"

He smirk.He begins to strip all my clothes as I did the same to him.

We were both naked not a single cloth in our body.

"Damn! You have such a beautiful body"


I pull him and kisses him.I feel him kissing my jawline,then to my neck.Go lower and lower.Kissing my thighs.

"K-Kendall I need you.Stop with the teasing please"

"Your wish is my command baby" 

Without any warning he slammed into me.I screamed so loud.Kendall move in a slow pace but as the minute passed by it get more rougher and faster.The rooms are now filled with our moans.

"I'm coming"

"Not yet babe"

Then with one more thrust.He releases inside of me as I came next.We were both tired.Breathing heavily.Kendall remove himself from me then carry me bridal style to his room where we cuddle.

"I love you so much Cassie"

"I love you more Kendall"

"You know this is the best movie night I ever have"

"Mine too.Goodnight Kenny Boo"


Soon we drifted off to sleep.Having each other so close feels so right.

Its like Kendall is the only missing piece in your puzzle,the key to your padlock.Cause you know that you two were always be there together and never can broke the two of you apart.



Hope you like it.

-Yela Maslow♡

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