James Imagine~Kary

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Dedicated to: JamesGirlForever2000

The one thing I hate in this world is critism. How can somebody be cruel? I mean I never do anything to them so why should they hate me. Yes I'm thin it's because I have an eating disorder. I have since I was 13. James,my boyfriend doesn't know about it and he won't not ever.

Today,I'm in my bedroom opening my twitter and instagram. And again I recieve so much hate. I feel pain and agony begun to struck my so I open the drawer on the bed side,I get the blade that I have never been used the last time I used this was when I still haven't met James.

I put it on my wrist and glide it down I close my eyes as I cut another. Once I was done I take a look at my wrist. The blood was flowing down from it. I quickly went to the bathroom,wash the wound and get the first aid kit to get some band-aid. Their! I just hope James won't see this.

An hour later I heard the front door open. It's him,he just got home from the gym.

"Kary,baby! I'm home." I quickly get up from the bed then out of the room as I eun down the stairs jumping on him as he spins me around. Once he put me down James gave my lips a sweet kiss before smelling his self.

"Baby you smell horrible." I said backing away from our hug as I cover my mouth to annoy him.

"C'mon baby not that bad. But still if you want I'm gonna take a shower. So be right back." He gave my head a kiss them run upstair to our shared bedroom while I stay in the living room watching television. Suddenly,I heard James running back down,more like panickly.

"Kary did you cut yourself again?!" He answer obviously mad. I'm afraid to meet his gaze but I have no choice.

"I--Uhmm I didn't. Why would you ask?" He slowly brought the blanket in the air. It has my blood stained on the soft cottony blanket. I'm pretty careless.

"Fine. I did James are you happy now?! I cut myself because I couldn't bare the pain anymore." I hug myself then curled in a ball at the couch. James loosen up and just sat right next to me.

"What pain?" He said caressing my shoulder. I sat properly.

"They were making fun of me because I'm thin. But can't they understand I have eating disorder." James was now more worried about me.

"Why didn't you told me? I could've help. Fine I will help you even if you like it or not. I will show you how to eat properly. But first for the last time stop cutting." I nodded my head yes then gave him a hug. James gave me some kiss on the lips then he took a bath.

After a week. James was off from work so he decided to teach me how to eat the proper diet. I swore that I would never hold another blade again so I throw all pf them in the trash so the garbage collector could get them as far away as it can be from me. I have improve my body has a lot more fats and muscle on it. I'm so lucky to have James in my life. If it weren't for him I couldn't live and cope up with life itself. I love him soooo much. ❤

Hello,Kary here's the imagine you ask for I hope you like. And I hope you enjoy reading my stories as well. Have a great day ahead of you ツ

~Yela Maslow

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