Kendall Imagine~Eden

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Dedicated to: Eden-Lila

Why does everyone keep saying that Kendall is cheating on me? I know that he wouldn't do that. Then at school I got bullied by the mean nasty cheerleaders again. I didn't do anything to them.

Plus,my teacher said that I'm failing my math subject.So now I'm in the house with no light,no television and no music. The doors were shut lock. I want to alone and forget about those stupid things that's happening to me.

People don't know this but I easily get depressed and when I do I cut.And this the most depressing state that I have ever been too.So I quickly climb up the stairs then to my room.I kept a bunch of blades on my medicine cabinet.

I grab one and begun sliding them into my skin.I was about to do another on my other wrist but then the door flung open and a shocked Kendall infront of it.

I drop the blade in complete startle.He saw me for the very first time.Hurt are written all over his eyes."E-E-Eden?! What were you thinking?!" He quickly grab some gauze on my medicine cabinet and wrap it around my bleeding wrist.

"I can't take it anymore Ken." I barely said.I hope he heard what I have said.

"What can't you take anymore?" He ask with tears in his eyes. He's concern about me.

"People saying that you're cheating on me,the cheerleaders bullied me and then there's my grade.Kendall I don't know what to do with my life anymore.I'm a piece of junk." I put my hand on my face then begun crying.I felt him wrap his strong arms around me protectively as he sobs as well.

"I am not cheating on you! Why would you believe them?! Eden you're the only girl I want to be with.Forget about what other people says.What's matter the most is that we're here for each other." He take a hold of both of my shoulder and look me in the eyes.

"You're right Kendall.But I really need your help with my depression." He smiled at me then crashed his lips into mine.This is the very first time he did this.It's my very first kiss,I'm glad it's with him.

"Anything for my favorite girl."

Eden,I hope you like it and hello! *wave wave* I hope you also read my other books.Thanks for chosing me to write an imagine for you.Hoping that this imagine doesn't sucks.Loveya girl :**

~Yela Maslow

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