James Imagine~Jazzy

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Jazzy's POV:

"James stop it"

"Stop what?"

"Making funny faces"

"Like this"

He made another funny faces.I laugh so hard that soon I roll on the floor while holding my tummy.Such a dork.Me and James had been best friend since freshmen year and ever since then I got this strange feelings in my chest.My heart would skip a beat everytime he compliments me.My stomach will flutter when he smiles at me.And oh! Don't forget how his eyes shine in the moonlight.Yeah that is the number one thing I love about him.

After my "Laughing session" I quickly get back up and sit on the couch.

"Please stop it okey? I nearly couldn't breath at all.Are you trying to kill me or something?"

"No,I was just making you laugh.Cause your mom told me about what happened"

No way! She shouldn't have told James that.Omg! This is just so embarassing.

"She told me about your pet dog,Fluffy"

"She shouldn't have bother you.Besides I already forgot about her"

"Jazzy I know Fluffy is a family to you.I would also feel the same if Fox die"

"I know.Lets not talk about her okey?"

"Okey sure,lets change the topic then.Jazzy can I tell you something?"

"Yeah sure.What is it?"

"Well ahhh it's about a girl that I like for a year now.And I feel so nervous whenever I'm near her.How could I tell her?"

James Maslow likes some other girl.I feel my heart crack into two pieces.

"Uhh,Well you gotta show her.For example just--" I didn't finished my sentence because James kisses me.Yep! He's definitely kissing.

Once we pulled away I looked at him with pure confusion written all over my face.

"What did you do that for? I thought you like some other girl?"

"Yeah,And the girl I was talking about was you,Jazzy! I like you,a lot.Let me rephrase that.I love you more than anything in the world.I fell inlove with you when we were in freshmen year"

"I don't know what to say"

"How about I take you on a date?"

Should I really..I mean what if we just broke up and our frienship will also be broken because of the thing they called awkwardness.Should I even try? Hmmm,I think I will.

"Sure I'll go out on a date with you"

"Really that's great.I'll pick you up at 8"


"James could you please tell me where the heck are we going?"

"I promise that you'll love it"

"Okey fine"

He drive for a couple of minute until we got into the Park.

"Seriously the park?"

"Yeah.Now close your eyes.And don't peek"

"Yeah,yeah.Sure whatever" I smiled."But don't you dare leave my side"

"Of course! You can trust me"


"No peeking"

"I won't"

After one minute James told me to open my eyes.I did as I told and saw the trees all decorated with light that looks like a little star.There's a picnic set up by the lake.

"You like it?" I'm speechless.I don't know what to say anymore.

"Jazzy are you okey?"

"Yeah.I was just speechless.This is amazing James.Thank you"

"Anything for you" He gave me a wink and then I feel myself blush.

"Shall we?"

He offers his arm and I link mine to his.

We sit on the picnic blanket.

"Omg! Chocolate covered strawberries.James this is my favorite"

"I know.Here"

He gave me a strawberry and I took a bite as James eats the other half.

"That was delicious"

"Yes it was"

We talked.
We laughed.

And now lying on the blanket while looking at the stars.My head is on James shoulder.I look at James and he did too.

"Why are looking at me?"

"Nothing.You know James I haven't told anyone about this but I really love you."


"Yes.Ever since freshman year.I was just afraid to tell you how I feel.Well because I don't know if you feel the same way.And now that you told me that you love me back I've never been so happier in my whole entire life"

He smiled at me as he leans in.I lean in closer and boom! we kissed.It was so magical.I could only feel that the world are revolving for only the two of us.Sparks flies.Fireworks are exploding.

We parted.

"I love you Jazzy so much.In fact will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course James.I love you more"

We kissed once again.After that we just look at the stars and enjoy our time together.

From that day I knew James was the one for me and that..

I'll never let him go.

@ForeverRusherx hope you like it.I'm not really sure if you would.I did tried my best.Sorry for my mistakes.

-Yela Maslow♡

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