Logan Imagine

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The last request..Dedicated to: Jhunie Mae

Hope you like it.


I plug my earphones as I walk down the park together with my dog,(Y/Dog/N).Poster of my favorite band are all over the place too bad I can't afford those ticket to see them I bet it will be amazing.

I heard my dog bark as he get out of my grip then run off.I chase him but I couldn't he's to fast I called his name several times but he doesn't pay attention what's the matter with this dog.

Stoping my tracks I put both of my hands on my knees breathing heavily.I called his name once more."Where the heck are you?" I stroll around the park then I accidentally bump into someone.I look up and meet those sparkling chocolate brown eyes,dreaaamy~

"Sorry about that.I wasn't looking where I was going." I tuck my hair behind my ear,blushing.I heard him chuckle.

"It's fine." It can't beeee~ AHHH! I'm totally fangirling right now.Pinch me I must be dreaming..Okey Jhunie calm yourself down,but I can't Logan Philip Henderson is right infront of me.

"Are you okey? You seem paralyze?"

"Yes I-I'm fine." I stuttered.

"Okey.Why are you running anyway?" He ask.

"I'm looking for my dog." I said sitting on the grass.Logan sat down next to me.

"Well don't you give up.If you want I can help you find him.Btw what's your name?"

"I'm Jhunie Mae." I ask bringing my hand out for him to shake.He gladly took it."Nice to meet you I'm--" He got cut of by a bark.That sounds like my dog.

"Omg! It's my dog." Carlos was holding my dog in his arms.I stand up and walk to him."Thank you so much for finding him."

"You're welcome.Yo! Logan time to go."Logan jog towards us."Well Jhunie I have to go now.It was nice meeting you." Before he leave he gave me something.I look at it and it was a VIP ticket to their concert.

"I hope you can come tonight."

"I will try.Thanks Logan." He smiled at me."Hahahaha I was about to tell you my name but I guess you already know about it.Well I really need to go.See you tonight."

"Yeah.Thanks." He wave a goodbye as he runs towards Carlos.I look at the ticket on my hand and smile.

That night I went to their concert and it was tremendous I know that they wouldn't let down their RUSHERS.After that I went to meet & greet.There we took lots of picture but before I leave Logan gave me his number and ask me to go on a date with him.Of course as a fangirl I quickly said yes! It's like my dream coming true and it's all because of my dog.

I can't wait to see the future ;)

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