Carlos Imagine

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Carlos' POV:

Me and the guys are having a friendly gane of hockey when all of a sudden a girl was struggling to get out of the rink.So I went and help her.Once I got into her she looks at me and said."Carlos?"

"(Y/N)?" I ask."Yes! Its me.How are you? And thanks for assisting me."

"No problem.What are you doing in here? Shouldn't you be in Minnesota?"

"I kinda went to Hollywood to pursue my dream as a Ice Skater.You know how much I love to skate." She said as she removes her ice skating shoes.

"Yo! Carlos who are you talking to?" James shouted behind me."Guys! I'm talking to (Y/N)." Once James heard her name he quickly went to her.James has a huge crush on her by the way but I don't think she likes him back.

Your POV:

Carlos Garcia is right here with me and assisting me.Ahhh! This is so embarassing why am I struggling to get out of this stupid rink,oh yeab because I'm also stupid! >_______<.Once Carlos told the guys that I'm here James quickly went to me.He's always flirts with me back in Minnesota but I just simply don't like him.

I mean yeah sure he's very good looking and charming but he's also self-centered who always thinks about himself.Unlike Carlos he is more sensitive,funny and cute.That's why I like him more than anyone in the this three other guys.

"Hey (Y/N),Are you here to look for me? No need because I'm already here." He pout his lips as he leans in forwards but I put my hand over his lips."Sorry I'm not interested like I always told you.I like someone else."

"And who is that?"

I look over at Carlos and smiled at him."Its definitely nkt Carlos right?"

"Actually,Yes I like Carlos for a very long time now actually." I confessed.Everyone gasp."WHAT?!"

"You guys heard me right.I like Carlos."



"MOMMY!" My daughter had screamed so I quickly went to her."Baby girl what's wrong?"

"I had a nightmare."

"About what sweetie?"

"That daddy won't come back to us." She puts her head on my chest and sobs.My husband had been gone for tour for almost 2 months now.A minute later I heard someone opened Sophie's door and came in.."Carlos!"

"Daddy!" We both ru towards him and gave him a tight hug."We miss you so much."

"I miss the both of you as well." He kisses my head.After that me and Carlos tuck Sophie in bed and wait her to fall asleep.Once she was asleep we walk towards our room."So how was the tour?"

"It was awesome and funny."

"How come?" I put my head over his chest."Someone threw a Ken Doll at Kendall."Oh ahahahaha."

"You know I missed you." He combed my hair using his hand."I miss you more." I look him in the eyes and he kissed me.I pulled away for a minute and saw his eyes pure lust and anticipation.I crashed my lips towards him this time a little bit rough.

That night me and him made love I'm glad that I have confesses my feelings for him because of I never did.We wouldn't be in this position.I love him so much.


Author's Note:

Well this sucks.Can please someone request a plot of story so I can make it an imagine.I would really love it if you would.


~Yela Maslow♥

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