James Imagine~Jenny

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Jenny's POV:

I'm here alone at the house well lets just say James is still at the studio recording.I was bored so I decided to get my laptop and log onto my twitter.My eyes begins to water as I look at my notification.I scroll through it get worse by the minute.

"Ewww why does James dates you? Ugh! You're ugly and yuck he likes nerds?! What the fuck is going on our planet?"

"Who put you on this world? Wow! You look totes horrible a fat ugly non sense girl.@jamesmaslow leave her and come with me instead ;)"

"Gross! I shipped Halston and James more than you.You horrid asshole face bitch.Kill yourself! #JalstonForever"

W-what did I do wrong to deserve all this hate? Is this what I get from dating a famous person? Tears are now falling from my face.I throw my phone on the bed and hug the teddy bear that James gave me on our first anniversary.

We've been dating for 3 years now and so far this is the worst thing I ever read in my whole entire life.Life is really unfair.Well then if they want me to kill myself then their wish is my command.

James' POV:

"Babe! I'm home" I said as I walk inside the door.I look around and she's not here "Jenny? where are you? I'm home" I called.

I walked upstair and there I find Jenny.She's holding a blade in her hands.She was about to slide it in her skin but once she saw me she just burst out to tears.I run towards her and gave her a comforting hug.

"Jenny what are you thinking? Don't you ever do that please.Please please please.I don't know what I would do if I ever loose you.What's got into you?"

"R-rushers hating on me"


I grab my phone and quickly went through my twitter.I saw some nasty tweets.

"I don't understand why they hate me.Is it just because I'm dating you? If that's the reason why maybe we should---" Before she could say anything I cut her off by crashing my lips to hers.

"No don't say that.Do you actually believe in those stupid tweets?" She slowly nodded.I let out a sigh. "Jenny do you know what I see when I look at you?" She look up meeting my eyes.

"When I look at you.I see the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world.The girl that makes me go crazy from the moment that we met.Who made my knees go weak everytime I see those beautiful smile of yours.And when I look at your eyes believe me when I say I got lost in them from the seconds it met mine.I love you more than anything.The words love itself couldn't even describe.Cause you're my one and only true love,The girl of my dreams"

I saw her crying.I hug her once more."Now please tell me you won't believe in that tweets anymore and promise me you won't leave me"

She looks into my eyes.A small smile is tugging in the corner of her lips.

"Alright,James David Maslow I won't believe in that tweets ever again and I won't leave you cause I love you too bits" I pull her into my face and gave a very passionate kiss..

The love me and Jenny has is nothing compare to what other people have.Cause I know that this love is long lasting and UNTOUCHABLE!

@seeing_sparks_flyx hope you like it.

-Yela Maslow♡

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