Kendall Imagine

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Kendall's POV:

Winter is here once again.All the trees are covered with white snow, water around the park are frozen.That's peculiar.I saw a girl going through the woods.I followed her.

She put her skate shoes on then she went to the frozen lake.She use her phone to make some music,I heard this song before.She start singing and dance along to it.She moves gracefully.Her jump is just perfection.The song finished and so does her performance.

I clap.She shoot her head towards me."Uhh,How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to see your beautiful performance"

She walk towards me."Oh gosh! That was embarassing"

"No its not.You were amazing!"


"Yes,BTW my name's Kendall.You are?"

"(Y/N),Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too.Do you want to have some hot cocoa?"

"Hot cocoa sounds nice"

♬· ♬· ♬

"So,You're a professional skater?" I ask as I took a sip on my hot cocoa.

"Yep,I compete a lot"

"I think I've seen you perform on 2014 winter olympics"


"Yeah.Now I remember! You were the one who won the silver medal.Too bad you didn't won the gold one.You're a really great skater"

"Thanks.Wow! I thought you've only seen me perform on the frozen lake"

"Hahaha,I always wanted to meet an athlete"


"Do you mind taking a picture with me?"

"Sure" I get the phone from my pocket.We took a picture and then post it on my instagram.

Your POV:

My phone buzz I look at my instagram.Kendall already post it..

"Winter Athlete"

Look who I just met.That's right (Y/N) the winter athlete who won silver medal on the 2014 winter olympics,too bad she didn't win the gold one.

"Wow! You already posted it"

"You already saw it?"

"Yeah and I guess you followed me"


Kendall walk me home.Once we got there I turn around to face him.

"Here we are.This is my house"

"Wow! Its not just a house its a mansion"

"Why thank you.Well see you around Kendall"

"Can I have your number?"

"Sure."We exchange numbers.I stare into his eyes and saw sparkle in them.As much as I want to kiss him.I don't want to make the first move.



"C-can I kiss you?" Finally! I've been waiting for him to say that."Sure" His face light up.

He put his both hands on my cheeks then crashes his lips to mine.Sparks are flying.



From that day I knew Kendall would be the one who completes me.


I know it sucks.But you know I'm really tired.School is almost here.Summer here at the Philippines are about to be over.

I'll able to post my stories on weekends.

-Yela Maslow♡

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