Logan Imagine~ Fatma

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A/N: Hey guys. I have forgot to write this one last request after this I'll be taking a break in writing an imagine and close this book. Maybe just maybe I'll make a new book about imagines. Thanks.

xxYela Maslowxx

-Part 3-

Your POV:

Today's the most special day in my life because for once my life will be complete forever.I'm marrying the guy who's always make my heart beat faster than it's normal rate.

I'm currently getting ready.My friends are thrilled at the thought that I'm getting married to the most hottest guy on earth.

"Fatma are you nervous?" One of my friend ask me.

"Yeah.But at the same time excited because I'll be able to spend my the rest of my life with Logan.I cannot wait to say 'I do' to him." I swooned.I bet he'll be very handsome today.

"Oh my gosh! Look at my baby.She's getting married today." My mom.She's getting very emotional about all of this by saying how much I grew up and how much she'll miss treating me like a baby.

"Awee,mom please don't make me cry it will ruin my make-up." My mother wipe the tear that had escape her eyes.

"I just can't believe that you'll be married in about an hour." She gave me a hug and I let out a few tears eventhough it will ruin my make-up.Not a problem tho cause I have my friends who can retouch it anytime.

Day went by so fast and now I'm infront of the huge door of the church with my father."Are you ready?"

"I'm ready as I'll ever be dad." My father smiled at me then the big door had been opened.The oh so familiar song begun to blaire on the church speaker.I walk down the aisle with my father.I saw Logan waiting for me in the altar with a smile.You can really see the happiness in his eyes.

I smiled at me.Once we get to the altar,daddy release me and say,"Be good to her Logan." Fight the tears come on you can do it.I link my arm at Logan as we sitted on the chair.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to witnessed this two soul in becoming one." The preacher.My emotions are dancing in my head.

It was now time for the vows.

"Fatma the girl that had been there for me every step of the way and the girl whom I'm going to call my wife very soon.You don't know how much I love you even words itself couldn't explain.I was born to love you and til my death came you're the only one who'll I love.I will cherish every moment with for better or for worse for richer or for poor.I don't care if someday your face got wrinkled and your hair turns white cause all I know is that you're the only one who was really meant for me.I love you Fatma.Forever and always." Well that make my tears escape from my eyes.He's so sweet that's one thing I love about him.

"Logan,my love.You know that I'm not good with words so my vow might be a little short.Baby,from the moment you ask me to be your girlfriend I knew that you were my other half so the day you ask me to marry you I didn't think twice and said yes because you Logan is a guy who only come once in a lifetime and I will love you no matter what happen.In sickness or in health I'll be here for me.I'm in complete surrender for you.I love you so much Logan and it will never change." I saw a tear escape Logan's eyes and I knew that he's touched.

"Do you Logan take Fatma as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Do you Fatma take Logan as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"If there's someone who's against with these two being combined let them speak now or forever hold your piece." We waited for a couple of minutes then.

"By the power bested in me.I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride." Logan lift up the veil then look directly into my eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you more." He crashed his lips into mine kissing me passionately.And it's official I am now Mrs.Henderson.

Years had passed me and Logan became stronger.And now we have little Logan and little Fatma running all over our house.I'm so glad I met him.I must say that I'm very lucky,the luckiest girl on earth!

Heyyo HendersonLoverxoxo I hope you like the part 3. Sorry it took so long to write it. Enjoy :D

~Yela Maslow

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