James Imagine

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This imagine is base on my dream..That dream kinda really broke my heart so here it is...Hope y'all love it!

Everybody was busy at the house including my roommates...Big Time Rush that's right they are my roommates,I've been living with them for almost a year.Now they are looking for something.

"Hey guys! What are you looking for?" I ask but nobody seems to notice me.

"That's it! I'm going to the mall." Carlos says as he runs over me making fall into the ground,"Oh hey (Y/N) sorry about that,I'm kinda in a hurry."


"Our girlfriends is coming tonight but we can't seem to find the right dress." He explained.

"Oh.Well can I invite some of my friends?" I ask once more hoping he would allow me.

"Of course you can.If you want you can also invite your boyfriend." My boyfriend? He's here! That's right James Maslow is my boyfriend,"Uhmm,Yeah sure."

"Okey.Good now I really need to go bye!" He left the house with Logan.So that leaves me,James and Kendall.I get upstair on my room next to James when I suddenly heard him talking to someone.I eavesdrop..

"Okey tonight..See you here at our house..Bye I love you." What the fuck? I heard some footsteps coming at the door and it opened making me fall down on the floor."Uhmm,Hi." I awkwardly said.

"Hey.What are you doing here?" He ask as he stands me back on my feet.

"Oh nothing.I'm g-gonna go to my room now." My voice crack indicating that I'm about to cry.James take a hold of my hand but I pulled it from him.Once I get to my room I went to the balcony and cry.Then I heard James singing the song his ex-girlfriend wrote for him..Seems like they got back together.

I cried for the whole day..I crumpled the song which I wrote for him.This was supposed to be our first year anniversary.But since they got back,might as well stay out of his life.

Tonight is the party,my friends arrive so does my ex-boyfriend,Yeah! We're friends.

"Hey Jake!" I wave at the crowd.

"(Y/N)! Long time no see." He gave me a hug then James went towards me as he pulls me away from the crowd to the kitchen,"We need to talk."

I drink the cup of beer which in my hands,"Are you really breaking up with me?" He ask.Tears are threatening to fall.

"It's for the best James.You love her,She loves you.I don't wanna get in the way."

"W-what?" Then his ex came inside the kitchen,"Be happy with her." With that last word said I leave him with her and just enjoy the party in my room.Where I cried and cried and cried.

As long as his happy,I'll just take whatever may come in our lives!
Author's Note:

Long time no update. Sorry guys been caught up with lots of exams.Anyways,Hope you enjoy!

~Yela Maslow

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