Carlos Imagine

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>>Your P.O.V<<

Its my best friend's wedding today.And I don't want to come.You know why? Because I don't want my heart to break,I love him from the beginning but he doesn't feel the same and that hurts a lot.

Kendall,my brother knows how much I love him but he said."Come on (Y/N) at least show Carlos that you're happy for him and you support him."

I don't think I can do that.My heart's already aching from the thought that he's really getting married and I got no chance anymore.

What should I do? Give me a sign please.

Carlos keeps texting me the same thing..Over and over again.Then all of a sudden the sun rays hit the picture frame.The photo of me and Carlos was in there.Then I finally decided to go.

>>Carlos' P.O.V<<

"Kendall! Where's your sister?"

"I don't know I keep on texting her.But she doesn't answer--" Kendall got cut off by..(Y/N)

"Looking for me?" She said as she walks to us."Hey Los! Congrats.Where's your beautiful bride,Alexa?"

"She'll be here."

"Alrighty then I'll just go to my seat.."

>>Your P.O.V<<

I was about to sit down but Carlos pulled me towards him and then gave me the biggest hug.

"Thanks (Y/N) I knew that you wouldn't bring me down.Your the best best friend I ever have."

"Its not a problem Carlos.I hope you and Alexa can have a beautiful journey together as husband and wife.And if you need some advice don't hesitate to ask me okey?"

"Okey.I'll remember that." He kissed my cheek before pulling away.

~After The Wedding~

"Hey man! Congrats!" Kendall said as he bro hugged Carlos."Hey (Y/N),would you like to say something?"

"Uhmm,In fact I do.So I'll make a toast." I put the glass up then hit it careful with a fork making some sound."Ehem! I would like to make a toast for the newly weds,Alexa and Carlos.Congrats you guys! I hope you'll have a beautiful life ahead of you.Carlos my best friend,thank you for everything you have done for me.I wouldn't accomplished anything if you weren't there to encourage me.I am very thankful that God had given me such a wonderful best friend that I could always count on.."

I'm crying."You never leave my side.You're here for me whether through happiness or through pain.You were always there to comfort me.Whenever I feel like crying.You were always there to offer your shoulder.Thank you very much.Alexa you have a perfectly imperfect man who will always treats you well,who will never leave you and most importantly the one who'll love you forever,through sickness and in health,for richer or for poor..For better and for worst until death do you apart.You can always count on him."

I finished my toast.I saw Kendall,James,Logan even Carlos is crying.Wow! Such an emotional people.Alexa hold my hand.

"Thanks for being there for Carlos when he needs you.You can count on me that I'll never fool him,that I will love him til death do us apart."

I smiled at Alexa and gave her a hug.

"No thank you for making him happy."


Author's Note:

Well that sucks! Who like this imagine?


~Yela Maslow~!

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