Carlos Imagine

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Your POV:

"Oh shit!" You curse under your breath.You were running late.Well because you woke up late and your alarm didn't go off.So now you were running to get in time for school.

Once you get to school.You quickly went to your locker but you got bump into someone.It cause you to drop your things and well fall to the ground.You stand up straight arrange your dress.

"Hey! Watch where your going!"

"I wasn't the one who got on your way!"

"Na uh! You were!"

"Whatever I'm going!"

"You can't just walk away without apologizing you know"

"I'm soooorryyy!" He said while pretending he was a princess holding her invisible dress while taking a bow.

"Tss." The bell rings "Oh shit! Oh shit! I'm late"

I run to my first class and once I got there I saw the guy who bump into me.I look at him.

"Ms.(Y/L/N),Why are you late?!"

"I...uhhh...I woke up late and my alarm didn't go off.Once I got into the school I bump into that guy" I said as I point towards the latino looking guy.My teacher look at me in this belief.

"You didn't buy it.Don't you?" My teacher nod. "I get it detention after class"

"Because you are late your going to sit down next to Mr.Pena"

"What?! No way!"


"Okey okey sheesh!" Didn't I tell you my teacher is also my stepmother.Yeah! she's like the evil stepmother from Cinderella.I sit next to the latino boy.

"Hey about the thing that happened in the hall.I'm sorry"

"Yeah sure whatever." I said with full sarcasm.

"I'm trying to apologize here"

"Just shut up okey! You'll get me in trouble again"

"Okey,But let me introduce my name first.Hi I'm Carlos Pena Jr..And you are?"

"(Y/N),Now fuck off! I'm trying to listen"

"Okey,I'm just being nice"

"Well you gotta try harder" I smiled.

"You know you look pretty when you smile.You should smile more often"

"Thanks" You know he's kinda cute.

The bell rings and its time for all of us to go home.But me I'm going to detention.

"(Y/N)? Aren't you going home?"

"Are you insulting me? Of course I'm not going home because I have detention dummy"

"Sorry about that.Can we go in there together?"

"Why?" I ask with full confusion written on my face.

"I got detention for calling my teacher a bitch"

"Whoa! That's...not good"

"Yeah.But I got used to it"

"You really must be a trouble maker"


After Detention...

"So do you wanna watch some movies sometime??" Carlos said while hoping I would say...

"Yes.I would love that"

"See you then.Bye (Y/N)"

"Bye Carlos" Then we go on our separate ways.

You and Carlos became a couple for 4 years then at your 5 year anniversary he proposes to you.You got married and have twins Andrei and Adrianna.

You and your family live happily ever after.

The End *bow*

Author's Note:

This is for the Penators out there.Hope you all love it.Keep requesting and your request is my command.

-Yela Maslow♡

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