Legolas Prince of Mirkwood

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Aragorn POV

My feet were sore from having strolled through the woods for four days. I had left Bree in a hurry, avoiding a flock of men from Gondor, who seemed a bit too nosy for their own good. The roads were dangerous these times, so I had to cross the forest to reach Rivendell. 

Earlier that day I had met and destroyed a pack of orcs, and it had worn me out more than I had expected. I was watching out for a small river I knew floated here in the area somewhere. But I had to be careful. Rivers were always a dangerous place.

After another hour I finally heard the sound of water. Behind a tree I could glimpse the river, surrounded by white sand shores. They were quite big for such a small river, and perfect for more orcs to be lingering about. Carefully I drew my sword and listened. Nothing was to be heard, so I slowly emerged from my hidingplace in the woods.

Luckily there really was no one by the water, so I lay down my sword and belt, and took of my shirt. Now was the time for a short cool down in the river. I walked to the riverbank and took a few steps into the icy water. It came from the mountains, so the water was always cold, but clean. Thirstily I drank a few handfulls of water and washed my face. I hadn't seen a river for two days, so it really was time to drink something and get a bit cleaned up. It wasn't a day to Rivendell now.

Suddenly I heard the sound of a bow being drawn. I had been surprised by someone. If I was lucky, it wasn't any more orcs. But either way, I didn't have my sword, so I was completely delivered to whoever stood behind me.

"Who are you?", a loud voice came from behind. 

I slowly turned around to face the intruder.

"I am known as Strider", I told him.

It was an elf. I should have known, because elves were the only folk on Middle-earth you could hardly ever hear coming. He had long blonde hair, like all elves, and was dressed in green, with a belt and quiver for his arrows. Currently he was pointing one of them at me.

"I am unarmed, as you can see, so I will not threaten you", I said. 

"I do see", he replied. Then he lowered the bow. "Tell me your destination."

"My aim is to reach Rivendell before two days pass", I said carefully. Never tell a stranger too much about yourself. 

"Rivendell?", the elf asked surprised. Apparently he knew the place. "Do you know Elrond?"

"I was raised by Elrond, lord of Rivendell, like I were a son of his own."

The elf stared at me. Then he gestured for me to take my clothes and weapons. 

"We will go there together. I am Legolas, prince of Mirkwood, and my father sent me to Lord Elrond with a message. I suppose you have not heard of Mirkwood before?", he asked.

I was astounded at first. The prince of Mirkwood crossed my paths here in the north. And alone, it seemed. That was rather odd to me, but surely Legolas of Mirkwood had his reasons.

"As a matter of fact, I have. Your father Thranduil visited Rivendell many years ago, when I was still a boy. May I ask your reasons for travelling alone in these woods. I am a ranger and know of the dangers one can face here," I added. 

Legolas had this way of looking at me that made me feel a bit uneasy, so my eyes wandered to his hands, that still held his weapon.

"The reason I travel alone is simple, but not necessary for you to know. If you know these woods as well as you say, I will expect you to follow me and let me take part of your knowledge. You can never gain enough wisdom, even as an elf. Now, shall we continue?", he spoke.

He didn't let his eyes of me, apparently still not sure if it was entirely safe to turn his back on me. I picked up my sword and made a show of putting it back in its case on my belt. He seemed content and shouldered his bow. By the gentleness with which he handled it, he loved it dearly. Together we entered the forest again, both on the watch of enemies, and of each other.

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