May it be

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(The title is a song from LOTR I had in my head writing this)

Aragorn POV

The sun shone on my face as I opened my eyes, and blinded my view. At first, I thought I was back in Imladris, because the warmth and comfort of the light reminded me of my childhood days in Elronds home. Carefully, I turned my head to my side, and saw an empty chair next to the bed I was lying on. On my other side, I saw a closed door, that led somewhere unknown to me. My head hurt, but I managed to get in a sitting position on the soft sheets. Behind me was a wide window, from which the warm light came. Other than that, there wasn't much to see. The room was empty, except for a small table at the end of the bed, on which a few bottles and a cloth were deposited. 

After a while I heard footsteps approaching the door from the outside, and sure enough, the door was pushed open just a few seconds later. In came an elf, dressed in a white long tunic, with a can of water, I supposed. When he saw me, he smiled and came over to sit on the chair next to my bed.

"I see you are awake", he spoke. "Here, have some of this."

And with that he poured some of the liquid in the can into an empty glass he found on the table. Without much hesitation I drank the whole glass. It seemed to be just water, but it tasted both sweet and salty, filling and empty, warm and cold and crispy and smooth. Elven water gave you back your strength.

"Now you should lie down and rest some more", the elf said, and started to stand up to leave.

"Wait!", I called out. "Where are my companions? Where am I?"

"Your friends are alright, they are currently eating in the great Hall. You are in Lórien, under rule of the Lady of Light. You'll meet her soon."

Thereafter he returned to the corridor outside my room. I heard his elven light footsteps float away, then I heard nothing more. My body was aching, and I was tired so I fell asleep again.


The next time I woke up to a hand stroking my cheek. As I opened my eyes, I stared into the silver ones of Legolas. Relieved to see him again, I smiled weakly.

"Estel", he whispered. "You're awake."


He kept his hand on my cheek, and I leaned in to the comfortable touch. He started speaking silently again, and I just listened, enjoying the sound of his voice.

"I watched you every day and night, Estel, since we came here. I was so worried, because you wouldn't wake up. Lady Galadriel treated your wound, but she said it will take some time for it to heal. She said, the wolves that attacked us were no normal wolves. They are some kind of werewolve breed, who have come down from the Misty Mountains. The elves in Lórien kill them whenever they cross paths, but she didn't know what consequences a wound made by them makes. At least she said it was good that it was a scratch, and not a bite. Estel I'm so sorry! I should have protected you better! If I had watched out more, you wouldn't have gotten hurt!!", he cried in the end. 

"Legolas", I whispered and looked into his eyes. "It's not your fault."

A tear dripped onto my cheek. I was feeling dizzy again, yet, I leaned up to grip the elf's chin and pull him towards me. With a last effort, I placed a featherlight kiss on his trembling lips. 

"Thank you, meleth-nin."

I could only guess his reaction to my words, because I drifted off into sleep once more.

Meleth-nin. My love.

The way to Gondor (Aragorn and Legolas fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now