Smart Gimli

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Gimli POV

For once I had to be the sensible one in our company. It didn't happen often, because either Legolas or Aragorn or Gandalf always told me what to do, but now none of them was here. Or, the elf was here, but I think his brain just set out. And I understood him, I mean, with Aragorn most probably dead in the river the situation was pretty horrible. He had been a great friend and a most astonishing man, and the loss ate me up too, but right now, Legolas was in a worse state than me and I had to try to help him.

The rest of the way to Helm's Deep passed eventlessly, and Éomer led the people into safety. The fortress itself was great, and built into huge caverns in the mountain. I planned to examine them more closely when there was time later. The women and children were led into deep dark rooms, where they would hopefully be safe, and I  heard them wailing in misery. For my part, I'd be happy to be put in a cave and told to stay there, even more, I'd barricade myself there voluntarily. But I guess Rohan's folk wasn't that fond of dark and narrow spaces.

It was late afternoon when we arrived, and the king and his men were already here. All of the high marshalls and counselors had vanished in a room with Théoden, to discuss further plans. Even though I badly wanted to know what was going on, I focused on my task first. Which was, find Legolas a place to calm down, give him some food and something to drink and wake him up from whatever dark place in his mind he had gone. Still he hadn't talked a single word, just wandered around like a ghost.

I tried to find Éomer, to ask him about if they had any wine in this place, but I was told he had gone. Aparently he was to get his men, that he had left watching the borders of Rohan, and bring them here for the war. Therefore, I had to ask my way to the storerooms, where, hopefully, I'd find some barrels of wine for the elf. 

When I returned, I had only found a mug of light beer, Legolas was sitting against a stone wall and stared at some point in the distance. I followed his gaze and noticed the reiling of the huge stone wall that surrounded the fortress. Guards were striding alongside it, testing their bows and talking enthusiastically to each other about the upcoming fight. In every other direction, armours were distributed to the farmers and craftsmen that had joined the forces. But the huge swords and shields were dusty and covered in spiderwebs, and their new owners were either just as old or far too young to even come close an armoured battle. It was a desperate situation, but none seemed to notice other than myself. 

"What am I to do, Gimli?", Legolas suddenly spoke up with a dreamy voice. I turned my head towards him and tried to read his expression. It was grey. No joking here.

"Well, drink that beer, it will freshen you up a bit", I answered, trying to lift his mood. A beer always made me feel better at least.

"How high is that wall, Gimli?", he asked me. A shiver ran down my back. His voice was far too matter-of-fact and it gave me goosebumps. "No, it wouldn't work", he continued, but so quietly, that I was sure he was talking to himself. "Maybe ... caves should do it, but then ... Gimli, do you have a pair of scissors?"

What was going on in his elf-brain? Had he went completely mad? Why were elves always so complicated? I had known they meant trouble the first time I saw one. Now he looked up at me with pleading eyes and pulled me closer by clutching a piece of my cloak. 

"Gimli, I need some scissors. Or a knife, but be quick!"

No no no. No. I don't play that game, elf. You'll have to do what I tell you, otherwise you'll do something stupid, and I can't let that happen. Loosing a friend was hard enough, but having one go crazy is a whole other level.

"Now Legolas, wake up! What do you need scissors for?", I questioned.

"I really need them! I need to cut my hair."

Ok, he had gone crazy. Wasn't an elf's hair his most precious belonging? If I wasn't right then I'd even cut my beard. 

"You don't need to cut your hair! It won't do you any good, laddie. Or do you want to hide for the rest of your life? Because an elf without hair isn't an elf", I told him.


"What yes?"

I was getting annoyed.

"I will find some dark space in those caves, cut my hair and then sit and wait until my life is over!"

"No, you can't", I said. "You'd have to sit there until day's end, and that's a very long time. Why don't you instead get up and use that time? Come on, stand up and help! Do you see all those poor men around? They are either too old or too young for battle. You are needed, Legolas! An elf like you can save many lives, and as long as you can do that, you have no right to hide like a child. You have no right to die!"

So, now we've gotten that straight.

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