Under attack once again

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Third person POV

After almost a whole week in the land of the Lothlórien elves, the fellowship took up their journey again. The high lady Galadriel bestowed three small and handy boats upon them, and after a tearful goodbye the henceforth eight companions set them to water in the Andúin. Aragorn, whose wound had properly healed again, had taken the lead. In his mind, he hadn't made any plan yet, whether they should head to Minas Tirith and Boromir's home, or if they should travel straight into the lands of the enemy. But he didn't let the others know about his doubts. Just now, all they knew was that they had to keep moving, and the only way to reach anywhere was by following the Great River.

Several days and nights passed uneventfully, no enemies in sight on either side of the river. But all of them where on their watch, because the shadow of danger lingered on the riverbanks as they rested for the nights. Finally, or already, they reached Sarn Gebir, great water falls they couldn't pass with their boats. Before deciding upon which way they should follow, the one to Minas Tirith, or the one straight into enemy-land, to Mordor, they moored on the west side of the river once more.

Aragorn POV

I was tired, not physically, but mentally. The loss of Gandalf badgered me deeply, especially now, when I as a leader had to decide where to head at. The wizard may have had a plan, but I didn't know it, and surely would lead the group to a certain death either way. We hadn't lit a fire, because it was too dangerous, and sat huddled together, while discussing. Frodo had gone into the forest behind us to think, he said and we were waiting for him to come back to tell us his decision. 

"Let us now talk about something else, that may lift our mood", Legolas suddenly interrupted the hobbits and Gimli. But they didn't listen, because they were already talking about something else, namely making a burping contest. It looked like Pippin would actually win, even though he had a strong opponent in the dwarf. This made me smile. Legolas turned to me.

"What troubles your mind?"

"You know what occupies my head and heart. But now is not the time to speak of it", I muttered.

"Then let me tell you something else. This forest feels evil. The enemy is near, I can sense it. We aren't safe here."

"I know, Legolas. I feel it too. Since Lórien, my senses have sharpened. I hear the trees whispering about orcs, and the wind brings a foul scent to my nose. Yet, seen I have nothing", I answered quietly. Indeed, I had the feeling, that my senses have become much better since Lórien. But it was not Lórien, which had that effect on me. I figured, it must have been the wound on my side. Yet, I didn't want to share my suspicion with the elf, as to not make him worried. "We should probably search Frodo, he has been gone for too long and we don't want him captured by any orcs, do we?"

I tried to put on a fake smile, which Legolas discovered as such instantly, but didn't comment on it. We stood and went to search the forest. The hobbits had run away at once, in worry of their friend, and I told Boromir to keep up with them and have an eye on them. Gimli and Legolas went straight into the forest, and I made my way up a hill to get an overview of the location. 

Suddenly, I heard loud shouting from the forest below and battle cries of orcs. I hurried to help my attacked friends. Where was Frodo? I realised I wasn't fast enough, because Boromir blew his horn. He was in danger and needed help, but I hadn't reached him yet. Hopefully Legolas would be there before me. But the sound of the horn grew more silent and at the same time desperate for each second that passed. 

With a loud yell I emerged from behind the trees and began slaughtering orcs, that were shooting arrows at Boromir. When they saw me coming, they apparently decided they had had enough and left. Nevertheless, I was too late. Three arrows stuck out of Boromir, and he was leaning against a tree. Slowly, he slided down to the ground, trying to draw out the black poisonous wood out of his chest. He didn't succeed, instead he slumped into a crouching position and took a rattling breath. Blood was leaping out of his mouth. 

"The orcs have captured Merry and Pippin", he said with a last effort, looking up at me. I had in the meanwhile sank to my knees beside him and tried to calm him with my mere presence. "I tried to take the ring."

Then he closed his eyes and left this world. I cried silent tears for a long time until Legolas and Gimli found us. Boromir, the strong warrior from Gondor, was placed in one of our boats and sent on his last journey down the Andúin. 

(Sorry, this chapter is not good, I didn't know how to continue. But now I have kind of planned the story-line a bit, so hopefully the next chapter will be better. Enjoy reading btw!)

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