In the shadow of night

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Warning: kind of mature content :)

Also you don't have to read this chapter and can just jump over it, the next one will fit to both this and the last chapter.

Aragorn POV

He was so close, I could hear his thumping heart against my chest, and I was sure my own heartbeat didn't go unnoticed either. The atmosphere had changed and went from playful to passionate and my hands travelled along his back, pushing him even closer. Somewhere there had to be an opening to this tunic. It couldn't just be glued on him, could it?

"Legolas", I whispered against his lips, not even bothering to take mine away from him. It made him shudder, but instead of answering, he kissed me again. "Could we remove some of this annoying fabric?", I asked, tugging at the front of his tunic. "But just if it's ok with you, I don't want to force you", I added, as he had made a break in kissing me. 

He breathed in sharply and cast down his eyes. 

"Of course I want to", he whispered, still not looking at me. "But..."

"What is it, mellon nin?", I asked him quietly, stroking his cheek.

"I just...", he continued and I gave him an encouraging smile. "Maybe you won't like what you see."

If that was the only problem, there was nothing to fear, and I pulled him closer again. 

"Nothing could make me love you less", I told him. "Don't be ashamed, you are beautiful, and I know it because I look at you every day."

After having given him another kiss, I took of my jacket and flung it to the floor. Legolas was watching me with his big blue eyes. I looked at him, and when he gave a slight nod, I slowly pulled his tunic over his head. Now his chest was bare and I just looked at him, taking in what I saw. He was the most beautiful person on this earth, and I told him, while placing a soft kiss on his ear. 

The candle flickered. Legolas put his arms around my neck and kissed me once more, while I let my hands slowly travel along his back. Soft touches, like feathers in the wind, and I felt him shiver beneath me, as his grip got more firm. In response, I held him closer, snuggling my head in his neck, where I placed kisses along his collarbone. He breathed in sharply.

"How do you like this?", I whispered in his ear.

"Much", he breathed. "Very much."

I smiled to myself and stroked his beautiful blonde hair. It felt like silk in my hands, so smooth and perfect. Then I noticed the elf's hand tugging at my linen shirt, and slightly pulling it out of my trousers.

"You need that?", he asked. 

"I don't think so", I replied, and in one movement took it off and tossed it on a chair somewhere. Catching his eyes with mine, I saw the slightest bit of worry in his eyes.

"This is ok for you?", I asked and waited for his answer. He smiled and, while closing the distance between us, said:

"Yes. I'm just amazed at just how beautiful you are."

This earned him another kiss, but now there was no fabric between us anymore, and I felt the heat radiating from his body. Suddenly he opened his mouth and let me explore him, and once again a firework went off inside me. I took his face in my hands and kissed him passionately, while pushing him backwards on the only bed there was in the room. When he hit the edge of it, I carefully pushed him down, never once removing my lips from his. But then he broke the kiss, if only to crawl a bit more onto the bed. I followed him, kneeling down in front of him.

"I don't think we should have shoes in bed, do you?", he said and pulled off his light elven shoes and socks. 

"No, that would be most rude to these lovely bedsheets", I agreed and tossed my boots away. Then I firmly pushed him down on the sheets and tickled the sole of his left foot, which made him squirm under me. 

"Stop it, Estel, I'm ticklish!", he cried, trying to hold back his laughter. 

"You are? How interesting", I answered, and let my hand move up his leg, until his trousers were in the way. "Mind if I'll take this off for you?", I asked and meant the trousers. Encouraging him to answer, I placed a soft kiss on his stomach, then left a trail of them until I reached his waistband. His breathing had quickened and he tugged at my hair.

"Just do it", he said, and without hesitation, I did. In the same motion, I flung my own trousers aside, too, then lay down next to the elf. I didn't want to scare him.

"Just tell me if you want me to stop", I told him, stroking his hair out of his face. 

"I do not wish you to stop", he replied, and suddenly he was the one to push me down on the sheets. "I want this. I want you", he whispered and looked at me with his eyes, deep as the ocean. Then he drew his fingers over my body, from my chin to my collarbone, to my breast, where he nestled them into the hair there, then over my stomach until he reached my hips. A sudden question entered my mind, and I asked him:

"Have you done this before?"

He cast down his eyes for a brief second, but then looked right at me. 

"There was this one man back in Mirkwood", he admitted. "He visited our kingdom for a few weeks, and well, he kind of looked alike you." He smirked. I was taken aback. That was, because I had actually never done this before, at least not with a man. Legolas did always surprise me, he really did. "But never since I met you", he added, and kissed me again. 

"Ni meleth le, Estel."

"Ni meleth le, Legolas!"

The night was a very long one. 

I love you.

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