Éomer's confession

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Third person POV

The situation felt almost threatening for Éomer, when his sister and Aragorn both walked up to him with grim faces. They sat down on either side of him and he felt rather cramped.

"We need to talk to you", Aragorn told him with a stern voice, and he felt intimidated. What did they know? What didn't they know?

"Let me do the talking, will you?", Éowyn asked Aragorn, and put on a smile. She was obviously trying to make the situation more comfortable for her brother. The ranger nodded.

"We just wanted to know what happened last night", she said to Éomer, who looked anxiously from her to Aragorn and tried to figure out his chances for escape. There were none. "Just tell us what you remember, and it'll feel better, I promise."

"No, it certainly won't", the Rohan fighter replied. "But I know you won't let me go, so fine."

He took a deep breath, then told them exactly what he had told Gimli. He also told them, that he had told Gimli. Which created a rather surprising reaction from Aragorn.

"You told Gimli about this?", he burst out. "Why did you do that? This mess just gets bigger and bigger!"

Éomer made a very confused face, and Éowyn realised, that he didn't know the extent of how much him telling the dwarf made a difference.

"You know, Gimli is very fond of Haldir, they spent a whole afternoon together", she smiled at the recollection. "So, basically, he's going to get jealous. Like, really jealous, and a jealous dwarf is someone you don't want as an enemy."

Éomer stared at them in shock, and it made Aragorn grin. At least he was punished a little bit now, he thought. 

"But Gimli isn't you're only enemy right now", the shieldmaiden continued. "You should talk to Legolas and explain. He's been having a really hard time lately, because of what you've done."

The reprimand comming from his sister, Éomer knew it was serious and he nodded. He'd created all this mess, so he needed to fix it.

Legolas POV

The man sat down next to me and folded his hands in his lap. I watched him, anger and curiosity both playing in my head. 

"I  wanted to say I'm sorry", Éomer started. "What I did was irrational and stupid and I'm really sorry I've caused you harm."

Well, he better should be sorry. 

"But I should explain why I ... kissed you", he went on, and with the word "kissed" my mind returned to the moment he spoke of. Guilt washed over me again. 

"I don't think there is an explanation other than what your actions showed", I said coldly. 

"It's not an excuse, I know that. But there is very much an explanation you don't know of, and if you will just hear me out, please, maybe you'll be able to understand how I feel about this. It's really not easy to talk to you about it, so please just listen!", he begged.

I turned away to look at my own hands that were nervously playing with the sleeves of my tunic. 

"I ... I didn't want to kiss you. I got the wrong person."

What was he talking about? What did he mean by "the wrong person"? 

"The wrong ... ?", I started, but he cut me off.

"The wrong elf."

Wait. What?! But ...

"There are only two elves in this whole castle, me and ..."


Haldir. I should've known. It's always Haldir. 

"So you mean ... you actually wanted to kiss Haldir? But that makes even less sense, you don't even know him!", I replied.

"I know", he told me. "I haven't ever talked to him. Just heard stories, and when I first saw him, each and every one of them came true for me. It's just ... I know I love him, I knew from the first moment I cast my eyes on him."

That was a lot to take in. I didn't know if it made the situation better or worse. Probably it should make it better, but the feeling of being mistaken as Haldir made the food in my stomach turn. 

"Will you forgive me?", Éomer asked.

"I ...", I tried to say, but a sudden ruckus interrupted our conversation.

"Fetch lady Éowyn immediately. It's the elf!", someone called.

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