Meeting him

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Aragorn POV

The room was bright and very large. It faced the river and city of Rivendell with the windowside, and I cast a glance down to the valley. Rivendell was one of my favorite places, it was so  beautiful, like only elven places can be. Especially this little bridge over the river, surrounded by trees and beautiful flowers, and so calm. When I grew up I used to stand there and just breathe. 

Quickly I changed into some appropriate clothing and washed my face. It was nice to feel clean again after my trip. My sword I deposited on a chair near the window. It wouldn't be nice to bring a weapon into the hall of Elrond.

When I opened the door I found a lost-looking Legolas standing in the corridor. Apparently he had wanted to knock but had been to shy about it. Or to polite of course. 

"May I help you?", I asked him and saw him startle. I wondered why he hadn't seen me, elves had much better hearing and sight than men, but I guess he had been lost in thought about something. 

"Strider, I hadn't noticed you. Or Aragorn ... is that your name?", he seemed confused, but I could see under his facade, it was curiosity mixed with disappointment that I hadn't put enough trust in him to tell him my name.

"Whatever you prefer, I go by Strider outside from Rivendell to cover my origin. Just few people know me by my real name. I'm Aragorn, son of Arathorn, heir of Isildur."

He looked at me in shock.

"But ... then you're a king?", he said unbelievingly. "The rightful king of Gondor, is that not so?"

"It is", I answered. "But I have decided to live as a ranger, and not as a king. Rangers don't have names like Aragorn. But now that you know, I am Aragorn to you. Shall we go to the dining hall then?"

He gazed upon me still, but then nodded, smiled at me and followed me down the hallway. 

Arwen POV

The gentlemen were already sitting at the table with father and eating. It seemed to me that the atmosphere was relaxed and they spoke animatedly with my father. I had never seen men before. Elves were nothing new, there was plenty of them in Rivendell and Lórien, but men were an uncommon sight. I wondered if all men were as beautiful as Aragorn. He had this thick brown hair and glint in the eyes that made my knees shaky and my heart flutter. His body was musculous and strong and he was carved from life, even though he was so young. For me at least. Men were always young in elven eyes.

I gathered all my courage and approached the table. They kept talking, and I heard them praising Imladris and being all submissive to father. Which they had to of course, if they wanted to be polite. But I heard the joyous undertone of the conversation and I knew, father and the two did get along very well.

"Arwen, my dear daughter", father suddenly said and opened his arms in a wide gesture. I kissed his hand. "Come sit down with us. This is my daughter, Arwen Undomiel, my Evenstar. Arwen, these are Aragorn, son of Arathorn, and Legolas, son of Thranduil."

I lowered my head to show respect, but glanced at Aragorn out of the corner of my eyes. He was staring right into my eyes, and had a little smile on his face. I broke the eye contact and took a seat beside my father, across from the man. Slowly, I started eating. 

"Arwen, manen na-tye?(How are you?)", my father suddenly said. I looked up and saw him watching me closely. Aragorn did the same. And now that everyone looked at me, Legolas did so too. Perfect.

"Ni'm teréva (I'm fine)", I told him. 

"I na mára (that is good)", Aragorn said with a deep and calming voice. He smiled at me again.

Just now I understood, that all of them spoke elvish. It was very unusual that men learned our language, and I highly appreciated that he did. 

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