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Legolas POV

"You love me?"


Aragorn stared at me. Then he let his head sink in his hands again. Silently, the sobbing continued, and I couln't understand why.

"I...I'm sorry...Lego...las", he cried quietly.

"Why? You have done nothing wrong, Aragorn, if, then it is me who should apologize. I shouldn't have bothered you with my feelings when we have abandoned this topic long ago", I answered in a matter of fact voice, but my heart was crying. I knew rejection, but this was the worst kind of it.

"No no, you don't understand!", he cried out.

"Then tell me", I demanded, more harsh than I intended. He sighed, then started to speak.

"You remember that day you found us?", he asked.

I just nodded.

"I enjoyed it, you know?"

No, I didn't, and I didn't want to know either. But my voice seemed to have let me down, because I couldn't speak one single word.

"She is a beautiful and kind woman, more than any man can ever dream of", he continued. "And I love her."

Still, I had had hope until this moment. But now it floated out of me and left my body drained of feelings. Just an immense heartache spread in my chest, and nearly made it impossible to breathe.

"But I am not any man, Legolas. I thought I was for a very long time. But ever since you left Rivendell that day, I couldn't breathe. I hadn't known this feeling before, my chest seemed to small for the pain it needed to endure, and I thought I couldn't stand it anymore. I thought, she would make me happy." He paused, looking into the forest with a sad smile on his face. 

"But I was wrong. And I have never regretted a choice as much as I do this one. I love Arwen, Legolas, as a sister and friend. But it is you whom I love with my whole heart."

This was certainly not what I had expected to come from his mouth right now. His engagement to Arwen had seemed so loving and happy, that I didn't even think about it being fake. My face must have looked very shocked, because Aragorn smiled at me.

"Why...?How...?", was all I could stutter. Suddenly with a glint in his eyes, the man took my hand.

"You don't believe me, do you? Because why wouldn't I want an elven princess as a wife. I'd say, an elven prince is even better. And you know why?", his grin became sly and he tugged me closer, so that our legs were pressed together. "Because...", he leaned in even closer and whispered in my ear, "because princes are just way better kissers."

And with that he kissed me. It was a fierce kiss, filled with so much passion and emotion, that I was completely lost in him. He seemed to pour all his dispair and worries into that kiss, and would never let go of me anymore. His arms were in my hair, and on my thigh, and I clutched onto the leather of his shirt, not knowing what else to do with my emotion.

I had never been kissed like that before, not from a man nor from a woman, and I certainly wasn't used to this. All the kisses I had ever witnessed before were the ones my father and my mother shared a long time ago, and they had been just small pecks on the lips. Nothing was to compare with what Aragorn was doing to me in this moment. Not that I wanted him to stop, quite the contrary actually.

Soon it got more intense between us, and my cheeks still get a weak shade of red by the memory of it. However, I asume this was because of my childish and innocent mind. What intrigued me the most, were the muffled moans that escaped our lips as we kissed. Aragorn sounded not like himself anymore, or rather more like himself, but the part of him that I had not yet had the chance to meet. 

Suddenly there came loud cries from the rest of the group, which I honestly had forgotten were still there. We jumped apart and looked at each other in alarm. Then we raced back towards our friends. 

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