An announcement

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"Hey Mr. Frodo, hand me that coney stew and the potatoes, will you!", I asked Frodo, who was sitting next to me on the bench and talked animatedly to Gimli about dwarvish cooking. It was the evening of Aragorn's coronation, and we were having a very enjoyable dinner in the king's halls. All of my friends were seated at this table, the king at the head of it with Gandalf and king Théoden at his sides. Now  let me count the rest of the people around me: Mr. Frodo of course, then Merry and Pippin, Master Gimli, Master Legolas with his father king Thranduil, lord Elrond from Rivendell, Éomer, Faramir and lady Éowyn and some high men from Minas Tirith. It was all a very joyful company.

"Listen up, dear men and women who have come to this party!", Aragorn suddenly said, standing up as if to hold a speech. "I am very honoured that so many of you have come to celebrate this joyful day with me, and I hope you find it as joyful as I do. The food was, I must say, delicious!" Laughter erupted and some cheers were heard. "Today is my first day as a king, and I think I have thus far been a good one, throwing a party the first thing I do." More laughter. "But today is not just the day when Gondor became a kingdom again, it is also the day Gondor's king will never be alone anymore!" 

Suddenly there was an excitement in the air I couldn't quite place. Something about the way he had said those last words made me think there was something big coming up. I scooted closer to Mr. Frodo, who sat nearer to Aragorn, accidentally bumping into his knee. 

"Sorry", I whispered, but Mr. Frodo just gave me a warm smile and leant in to me to whisper into my ear: "I think the king's going to propose!"

"What?! Propose? To whom? Lady Arwen has left already!", I burst out, but Mr. Frodo hushed me and showed me to listen instead. "You'll see."

"Long has Gondor been without a king, but even longer without a married king. So today, hopefully, I will change that!", the king spoke up, a bit louder now. Then he turned and walked around the table to where Legolas the elf sat, who had an unbelieving expression on his face. Aragorn kneeled down, and together with the rest of the crowd, I gasped. 

"Will you, Legolas Greenleaf, prince of Mirkwood, be my husband?"

You could almost hear a needle drop, so quiet was the hall right now. Everyone waited for Legolas' answer. Said one hadn't moved a bit, just stared at the man in front of him. Even though probably nobody else noticed it, his eyes shone like diamonds. He looked like an angle come down to earth.

"Yes!" Silence. "Yes I will!"

And then the elf flung himself around Aragorn's neck and kissed him. Almost embarrassed, I turned my head away and caught Mr. Frodo staring at me, his head tilted a bit to the side.

"What?", I mumbled, glancing up at him. 

"See, I told you!", he said. 

Oh, it was just that. My brain had been a bit confused about the way he looked at me, but maybe it was me imagining things. Probably inspired by the cute proposal scene that had just played out in front of us. 

"Yeah, you know you are always right", I replied instead, but Mr. Frodo took my hand in his and placed a light kiss on it. 

"That's not true, Sam. You are much smarter than me. But sometimes a bit naive!", he added with a chuckle. "I know it when someone's in love, I can tell by their eyes."

"You do?", I questioned.

"Sure", he said, leaning in even closer and touching his nose with mine. "Even you. And I know what we're gonna do about it!"

He placed a quick kiss on my cheek, then sat up straight again. Well, I certainly wouldn't sit straight for a very long time.

"Maybe we should leave this party a little earlier, I believe we have to catch up on things these two", he pointed to the king and his future husband, "have had plenty of time to do."

As I realised the meaning of his words, I felt my cheeks turn red, and decided it was time to pay my coney stew some more attention.

The way to Gondor (Aragorn and Legolas fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now