Wrong assumptions

404 22 14

Éowyn POV

At lunchtime I arrived back at the castle. Uncle sat in his throne, beside him Stormcrow and Gimli, the dwarf. They were alone, eating what seemed to be meat pie. I took my bundle of herbs with me and sat next to my father, where he had left a space for me. 

"Éowyn, my beloved, have you found what you were searching for?", he asked me and smiled. 

"I did, thank you. But where is everyone? Aragorn, I suppose, is still resting, but what about Mister Legolas? Hasn't he come to eat?", I answered with questions. And those questions seemed to awaken the wizard, who suddenly stopped his fork midway to his mouth. Then he apruptly pushed back his chair and stood up.

"You are right, as always, dear shieldmaiden of Rohan. I just hope nothing bad has happened."

Then he hurried out of the hall.

"What did he mean, your majesty? Is Aragorn getting worse again?", I asked worried. The whole night I had cared for the man, and thought I'd left him in a better state, but the possibility still existed, that he was worse again. But Gimli the dwarf interrupted my thoughts.

"I think he wasn't talking about Aragorn, my lady", he said politely. "You did a very good job last night. But", he leaned forwards and lowered volume of his voice, "I'm not sure if I should tell you, but Legolas wasn't allowed to see Aragorn this morning, and got really angry, I haven't seen it before. I always thought elves were the calmest beings on earth, but apparently I was wrong." He grinned, then went back to eating.

My brain tried to catch his words. Why wouldn't Aragorn want his friend to visit? And even if there was a reason to it, why was Legolas so mad about it? It wasn't that they were married or likewise, so he shouldn't be too upset. Surely he was allowed to visit later, when Aragorn was feeling better.

"My lord", I said to my uncle, "may I go to see Aragorn? I should check his wound and wash it with the herbs I brought."

The king nodded kindly and continued a conversation with the dwarf. Quickly I left the hall and strode down the wellknown corridors until I found the familiar door. 

"May I come in?", I asked, and opened the door. Aragorn didn't answer, but sat on his bed, his hands outstretched on the blanket, and stared into nothingness. I walked towards him and sat down on the chair next to his bed.

"How are you feeling?"

"Terrible", was the answer, whispered with barely moving lips. Of course this frightened me and I put a hand on his shoulder. He was such a strong man and seeing him like this made me want to cry, but I held up my facade for his sake.

"No, not the wound. It's gotten better, thanks to you, Éowyn. It's something else, and it hurts thinking about it", he continued, and what he said calmed me down. 

"Tell me, it'll feel better, I promise", I said.

He sighed, and his eyes suddenly looked slightly shinier. Had he been crying?

"I...", he started. I caressed his shoulder with my hand to make him more comfortable, and take away his pain. 

"Go on, please ... I care for you, and I'll do anything to make you feel better."

He smiled slightly, but the next second, his face was sad again.

"Last night ... I ... I'm so ashamed", he whispered. "And I'm disgusted by myself. I'm sorry you had to witness it."

Now a tear ran down his cheek, and I felt my eyes get wet too. I felt so sorry for this man, and I totally understood him, but it really wasn't something to be ashamed off.

"Don't be, Aragorn. It is not your fault you had to live through this, it was terrible and I hope you never experience it again, but you don't have to be ashamed!"

He was silent for a long time. There seemed to be going on a fight inside him, and he had yet to decide what he wanted. But then he breathed deeply and said:

"And I behaved stupid this morning. I told Gandalf to not let Legolas visit me. Later he came by himself, and I threw him out of the room."


An almost inaudible whisper was the answer:

"I didn't want him to see me like this."

And suddenly I understood. I had estimated the relationship between these men totally wrong. Now Legolas strange behaviour made sense, and Aragorn's wish too. Even though my own heart shattered into pieces, I comforted the hurt man. Because he wasn't just physically hurt, he was emotionally damaged too. I took his hand from the blanket and held it between my own. 

"It's going to be alright, he will understand."

The same moment, there was a knock on the door, it opened, and two faces appeared. One very old and wise one, and one young and beautiful. I heard Aragorn's breath stop for a second, and the elf in the door did the same.

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