Éowyn's discoveries

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Éowyn POV

I couldn't tell what time it was, because no sunlight reached the caves where I was. The only indicator, that it had gotten quite late was, that the children had mostly fallen asleep and the other people started talking with hushed voices. The whole afternoon I had been busy trying to help the wounded and treat their wounds. Most of them had deep sword cuts and bruises, and I did my best to clean the wounds and give them calming herbs. Haldir was the only exception. 

He wasn't dead, but my stomach told me he would be very soon. And every time I thought about this, my chest felt too tight and I couldn't breathe. I didn't want to fail on him. I wanted him to live. Even though I knew there would be trouble when he eventually woke up. If he woke up.

Because I had seen Gimli's devastation at seeing the elf lifeless like that. And I knew the look in a person's eyes if he suffered from a broken heart. Most likely, Gimli would become one of them, and I didn't want that. Apparently he and Haldir had gotten along very well before the battle, and fate would be cruel if it took this special bond away from them now.

But that wasn't the only thought that pestered me. Haldir was, after all, a stunningly beautiful person, even for an elf, and he was brave and strong and kind. Therefore it wasn't hard to believe that not only one person had seen those qualities in him. I knew my brother, and I knew him in all states of emotion. I hadn't, however, seen him in love before, but I was convinced that right now, this was what he was, in love. It was the kind of love you experience by meeting a person for the first time and just knowing he was the right one. I knew, because I had fallen for Aragorn when I first met him, but luckily this feeling had turned into a good friendship instead, and I was happy with it. Aragorn was, after all, already taken.

I was convinced my brother had fallen for Haldir, and that meant some emotional trouble. It was hard to manage a dwarf in love, but a jealous dwarf in love was even worse. If Haldir woke up, my brother would have to leave as soon as possible. Otherwise, I didn't even want to imagine what would happen.

While cleaning a cloth in a can of water, I heard footsteps behind me, entering the caves. I turned around to find out who it was and was presented with a very amusing sight. Of course it were Aragorn and Legolas who had finally returned, after their talk in a quiet space, as Legolas had called it. But obviously, talk wasn't the only thing they had done. The elf's hair was in his usual braids, but it noticed the effort it had taken to make it look like it wasn't messy. Aragorn wore his sword on the wrong side without even noticing it, and both their cheeks were flushed slightly pink. I really should pay more attention to when they said they'd go and talk. A grin spread over my face.

"Have you had a nice talk?", I asked innocently as they approached me. The elf looked at Aragorn in alarm, and I had to stifle a chuckle. 

"Very nice, thank you Éowyn!", Aragorn answered very politely, but clearly telling me to change the topic. Not so quickly, I thought. This was fun!

"It must have been a very interesting conversation, as you took quite some time for it."

"Yes very interesting, but now we're done and back, so could we help you with something?", Aragorn said with a pressed voice. He was annoyed, and I didn't care a bit.

"No it's fine, I'm quite done here for the evening, I think", I answered. "But really, what took you so long? I mean, you don't usually talk for a whole afternoon."

I knew this had been the cherry on the cake, and if someone had dared to talk to me like I did to them right now, I would have lost my temper by now. Which Legolas did. It was funny to watch, because I could see his brain working while figuring out if it was worth it to talk back to me and reprimand me on my boldness, or if he should keep quiet. The first option included having to give me the information I wanted. 

"If you so must now, we were very engaged with kissing on the wall, and if you don't mind", he burst out angrily, "we had a very nice time!"

I was laughing so hard internally that it was hard to keep a straight face. 

"And if you are so interested in the things Aragorn and I do, you should just spy on us, then you'd know our activities from a perfectly trustworthy source, namely yourself!"

Oh yes, maybe I would. If I were Legolas, I'd be very careful with what to say, because he didn't know me. If he told me to take things in my own hands, maybe I really would. One could never know with such a curious woman like me. Sometimes I did reckless things, and sometimes I did more reckless things, and sometimes I could be really annoying, if I wanted to. So watch out, elf!

The same grabbed Aragorn's hand and pulled him with him. I was left where I was, while they made their way to their sleeping spots. They were really cute, but they'd have to live with me teasing them once in a while. Because why shouldn't I have some fun too?

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