Gimli has his moment

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Third person POV

The following morning, Mattei decided it was time to consult some professional help in order to find his two masters. Which meant, rushing in on Gimli, who was sleeping peacefully, shaking him awake, getting a not very nice comment in response, nevertheless drag him up from his bed and all the while trying to explain what it was he needed the dwarf for. Because said dwarf really didn't want to be waken up in the morning. Especially not, if there was no breakfast.

"What're you saying, laddie?", he mumbled with a sleepy voice. 

"I told you already!", Mattei whispered agitatedly. "Aragorn and Legolas are gone! They went somewhere yesterday evening and still have not returned. I'm starting to get worried, where could they be?"

"Wait a minute", Gimli stopped him, suddenly all alert. "You said they went somewhere yesterday evening, right? Alone?"

"Yeah, that's what I've been saying all the time!", Mattei complained. He thought the dwarf was rather stupid, as he didn't seem to understand the urgency of the situation.

"First of all, I don't think you should worry yourself. I'm sure they are perfectly fine", he grinned. "But I'll help you search anyways. This is gonna be fun!"

With a light step, the dwarf started walking along the corridor, and turned soon towards the parts of the castle, that weren't used that often. Mattei was a bit confused by the dwarf's last comment, and he also wondered, how he seemed to know where to go, but he didn't question Gimli's behaviour. He was, after all, a good friend of Aragorn and Legolas, and he was much older and wiser than him, so certainly he knew where to look for them. 

They had reached a dark corridor, that must one day have been a sleeping quarter, when the dwarf turned around.

"My gut tells me they are here somewhere, so let's just open all the doors, shall we?", he asked with a huge grin on his face. 

"Why would they be h...?", Mattei started, but was interrupted by the dwarf.

"Shh, laddie, you'll see!", was the only answer he got. "Now, I'll take the doors on this side, you go look over there", Gimli decided and immediately started opening the first door on the left side of the corridor. Seemingly disappointed, as it didn't contain their friends, he went on to the next one. Hesitantly Mattei followed his example, and soon they were pushing doors open on both sides of the hallway. 

Mattei had gotten almost to the end, as suddenly he had dragged a door open and was met with a most disturbing sight. In the dark room, there stood a bed, and from under a blanket, there stuck out a bare foot. The young boy simply stood there, his mind racing with the question, why there was a foot under the blanket, when the foot suddenly moved, and he noticed there was a person attached to it. Said person had long blonde hair and turned out to be Legolas, the elf. And then next to him another person appeared from under the sheets, which Mattei identified as Aragorn. With big eyes, he watched the scene unfold before him.

Aragorn started stroking the elf's cheek and gave him a light kiss on his lips. 

"What a beautiful sight to wake up next to you", he told Legolas. But the elf in question had just now noticed, that the little boy was standing in the doorframe, watching them. His face turned into a horrified expression, eyes and mouth wide open.

"Are you quite alright?", the man asked, while pulling Legolas closer. "Maybe you need some of...", he started and wanted to place a kiss on the elf's neck, but the latter one firmly pushed him away and pulled the blanket wide up over his body.

"What is it, mellon nin?", the man now sounded concerned. "Did I do something? Didn't you enjoy last night as much as I...?"

"Stop it, will you?!", Legolas burst out suddenly. Then he added in a hissing voice: "Turn around and look at who's at the door."

In the meanwhile, Gimli had joined Mattei and together they were watching the two men. The dwarf had a hard time hiding his amusement, while the young boy was simply astonished by what was happening. 

Slowly, with dreadful foreshadowing in his head, Aragorn turned around in the bed, and his worries came true in the form of a dwarf, laughing his head off, and an obviously terribly confused Rohan boy. 

"Oh", he simply said, then turned around in the bed again, facing Legolas. "We should get dressed, shouldn't we?", he whispered. 

"Well, how are we going to do that?", the elf hissed back, his cheeks red with embarrassment.

"I don't suppose Gimli will be any help, so I'll just go and grab my clothes on three", the man suggested, and as Legolas gave him a bewildered look, he closed his eyes and got out of the bed. 

It was the most humiliating thing he had ever done in his whole life, walking around naked while Gimli and some young boy were watching him. 

"I'll see you at breakfast then!", Gimli cheered and, still laughing, exited the room. Mattei hurried behind him.

That breakfast would be great. Really great.

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