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Legolas POV

The next morning I woke up and the strange feeling had not gone away. Instead, it had gotten worse, and some sort of anxiety had added to it, so as I got dressed, I suddenly turned really nervous. Something was wrong. Something bad had happened during the night. 

Out on the corridors, I met Gimli. He seemed in a hurry, and didn't notice me at first.

"Hey Gimli!", I called out to him, and with a startle he turned his head to me. "Why are you in such a haste? Are we leaving?", I asked.

"Haven't you heard?", he replied, and his voice shook me. It was quiet and filled with worry. 

"What? What is it Gimli? Come on, tell me!", I demanded. For each second that passed, I turned more afraid.

"It's Aragorn, he fell ill last night."

The world crashed down on me. So my feeling hadn't been wrong. Something terrible had happened, and I hadn't been there to help. Gimli seemed to notice that something was wrong with me. 

"It's alright, he's sleeping now, laddie", he said to try to cheer me up. "Actually, I was just on the way to him, you follow me!"

As I couldn't make my legs moving, my mind completely numb and in a state of shock, he gave me a little push from behind. Without realising it myself, I followed him to Aragorn's room in the other corridor.

Before his door, we met Gandalf. He had just left the room and was on his way to the king.

"He has woken up now." Something in his voice scared me even more, and he looked at me in a concerned way. "Gimli, you may go in and look after him for a bit. But I'm afraid I will have to take you with me, Legolas. Aragorn said he wanted to rest and not see you right now."

What?! What was happening here? Suddenly tears started to build in my eyes. Angrily, I pushed them back.

"But I need to see him! I want to help, why doesn't he want me there?!", I almost shouted. Gimli had turned his head away and looked to the ground, and Gandalf nervously put his hands together. Neither of them said anything. "Fine, thanks for the help, dwarf!", I finally spat. It wasn't fair to Gimli, but in my state of anger I couldn't control myself anymore. I tried to take a few steps towards the door, but Gandalf was quick to move and blocked it.

"Calm down Legolas", he simply said. How could I calm down? Aragorn had pretty much abandoned me and I was supposed to calm down?! "I'm sure he'll see you later, but for now you must follow me."

With my teeth clenched together, I understood that I had no choice. I'd have to follow the wizard. By now, my anger had faded away, and all I felt was sorrow, sorrow about Aragorn's illness, and sorrow about that he had abandoned me. The strange coldness crept up my back again, and as I walked behind Gandalf towards the hall of the king, I felt no warmth in my hands anymore. I couldn't even close my fists.

The way to Gondor (Aragorn and Legolas fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now