The departure of Arwen Undómiel

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Aragorn POV

I stepped down from where I had stood during the coronation and walked towards the people that had gathered to celebrate me. Many friends were amongst them, and I wanted to greet each and every one of them. Now I was the king of Gondor, and I knew the responsibilities that came with it, but I didn't see it as a burden, not anymore. When Legolas and I had spoken this morning, I realised, that I didn't have to be afraid, because I had already succeeded. 

A few feet away from me were the delegations from Erebor and Dale, who sent their diplomates to attend at my coronation, and I greeted them warmly, promising them good cooperation and profitable trading connections in the future. Then I spotted the delegation of elves from Rivendell and Lórien, with my dear friend and foster father Elrond at their lead. Gladly I approached them.

"My dear Elrond, how glad I am to see you!", I said and he patted my shoulder and answered:

"And I am glad to see you. I wish you all the best and give you my blessing for your future as a king of this country."

It meant the world to me to hear these words from his mouth. Even though I didn't want to admit it, Elrond was just like a father to me and I always wanted his consent in whatever I did. I'd have to ask him a favour later on anyway.

"I believe Arwen has something to say to you as well", he continued, and I noticed my past love standing behind him in one of her wonderful dresses. Arwen was extremely beautiful, I couldn't deny it, but she wasn't for me. If I had known earlier, maybe I could have spared her the pain. However, even though I wanted to make myself believe that I had forgotten she would come to this celebration, I had not. The thought had lingered somewhere in the back of my mind and pestered me at night. Because I had to say something, I had to talk to her. Why not do it now and get it over with?

"My lady", I bowed and kissed her hand in greeting. "How have you been?"

"Your majesty", she said humbly, her gaze cast down. "I am very honored to be here."

"I am glad you are", I answered. "But that wasn't my question. How are you?"

Elrond gave me a look, then turned around and hushed his guards away to give us some space to talk. I looked into the eyes of the woman in front of me, and finally she looked up and returned my gaze. Her eyes filled with tears didn't go unnoticed by me.

"I am sure you could guess, Estel", she whispered. "But it is not that bad anymore. I think I've come to terms with my fate, and that I wasn't destined to be with you."

I had to blink some tears away myself.

"It hurts to see you in such pain and know, that I am the cause for it", I told her. "Many times I have thought about how to ease your pain, but I have found no solution. And yet, if I had decided otherwise, and suppressed my feelings, it would've changed who I am. I hope you understand!"

"Of course", she said, her voice stronger than before. "And I wish you luck and happiness with all my heart, I really do. Even though it is hard for me to admit it. May your days as king be joyful and fair and may your life be blessed!"

She smiled slightly, and in that moment I wanted to hug her and love her again, just because of what she gave up for me. I knew I would never have been happy, if I had known that somewhere, she was suffering because of me. But of course I didn't take that step forwards, it would make it harder for both of us. 

"Thank you, Arwen Undómiel, Evenstar of elves! May you find happiness in your life."

With a last smile on her lips, she bowed her head slightly and turned around. It would be the last time I saw her, and her life would lead her to the undying lands. I do not know if she found happiness. But I hope it with all my heart.

However, for now I had to find Elrond and ask him a favor. I needed his advice, and his help, as I had an announcement to make at dinner. And a question to ask. Again.

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