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Éowyn POV

"He's woken up!", a woman called to me, as I hurried towards the group of people gathered around Haldir's bed. 

I pushed myself through the group and kneeled down next to the elf. And indeed, he was breathing stronger than before, and his pulse had normalized. 

"Haldir?", I asked, and noticed a slight movement of his eyelids. It felt like he was watching me even though he had his eyes closed. 

"Go back to your duties!", I spoke to the bystanders and with curious expressions on their faces, and some annoyed that they weren't welcome, the group dispersed. My suspicion was, that Haldir was very much awake, but didn't want the whole crowd watching him.

"Haldir?", I asked again, and this time he opened his eyes and smiled. 

"My lady."

His voice was fragile and quiet, but he was alive. I'd succeeded my task and saved him.

"I'm so glad you woke up", I whispered to him. "We were afraid to lose you."

"I know", he answered, and looked up at the ceiling. "I almost lost myself."

He trailed off and seemed lost in thoughts I didn't want to interrupt. Therefore I just sat next to him and waited.

"What's been happening around here? Did we win? How's Gimli?", he asked after a while. I just now remembered, that he hadn't even witnessed our victory against Saruman's army. 

"It was an expensive victory, and we lost many brave men, but we weren't defeated. We won", I told him. Then I realised he had asked another question and had to stop myself from smiling. How's Gimli? Well, certainly better when he got to know Haldir was alive!

"Gimli's quite alright I should say", I continued. "Although he worried a lot about you, and I'm sure he'd be very glad to hear the news of your recovery."


He closed his eyes again. 

"I still need to rest, but I don't mind some visitors once in a while", he said with a smile on his lips.

I told him I'd fetch his friends and then left. I was so glad Haldir had survived, but it opened another Pandora's box. There still was Éomer, whom I would have to introduce to Haldir, which in turn would make Gimli my greatest enemy. And I wasn't sure if Aragorn and Legolas would be able to help me, as they currently had their own problems to solve, and I hoped they had already. Otherwise I was surrounded by lovesick men, and it would be hard to be the tower of strength to all of them.

Aragorn POV

When I entered the hall I immediately noticed the atmosphere had changed to the better. Apparently Haldir's recovery had given the people their hope back, and the air was filled with happy chatter. Around the elf's bed, Gimli, Éomer, Éowyn and Legolas had gathered already, and they all pretended to be in the best of moods. But I knew the silent quarrels they were having all the while. Éomer and Gimli being jealous of each other, between Legolas and Éomer a tension so thick you could cut it with a knife, and Éowyn trying to keep them all happy.

"Mae govannen (elvish greeting) Haldir!", I greeted the elf, who smiled at me. "I'm glad to see you awake, I've been very concerned about your wellbeing."

"Thank you, Aragorn", he answered. "It's nice to wake up and see my friends in such harmony around me."

He shouldn't have said that, because the second he did, Gimli shot and angry glance at Éomer, who shot an angry glance back, and Legolas' face went from relaxed to tense. Éowyn looked anxious, and desperately tried to keep calm. Well done, Haldir.

"Yeah, because he" (Gimli nodded towards Éomer) "is your friend", he mumbled, so that Haldir couldn't hear. But everyone else did. 

"Well, I should introduce you to Haldir", Éowyn hastily said to her brother and then turned to the elf. "This is my brother Éomer, third marshall of the Mark."

"It's a great honour to meet you!", Éomer added and implied a bow. 

"Nice to meet you, too", Haldir answered, but looked confused at Gimli, who had turned dark red. Or, all that one could see under his beard had turned red. "What does one do as a marshall of the Mark?", the elf asked Éomer.

"Pet horses, I suggest", Gimli interrupted. 

"Well, at least we respect horses, and don't go around complaining about sore backs all the time!", Éomer retorted. 

"Just don't marry a horse, will you", the dwarf said, and now Éomer had turned dark red, too.

"I'll rather marry a horse than having secret dates with my axe!", the man retorted in fury.

"Ok, enough!", Éowyn tried to stop the two fighters. "Éomer and Gimli, why don't you calm down a bit and leave us alone. Your bad mood poisons the air."

"Bad moo...!?", Gimli started, but was firmly pushed away by the woman. Then she pushed away her brother, too. 

"Sorry about them", she apologized to Haldir.

"Why are they quarreling?", he wanted to know, and Éowyn looked like she had bitten in a sour apple.

"It's a long story", I said. "They disagree in a matter and won't let it go."

"What matte...?", Haldir asked again, but I stopped him. 

"Why don't we leave you to get some rest now, and we'll come back after dinner?", I suggested, and Éowyn nodded thankfully. I took Legolas' hand and wanted to pull him after me, having completely forgotten about that we still hadn't fixed our relationship, and was surprised at first, as he briskly pulled his hand away. 

Éowyn of course noticed and pushed us away from the recovering elf. 

"You go and sort this out, now!", she ordered. "I can't have four lovesick men around me, it's too much even for me!"

We were pushed in a quiet corner of the cave and left alone. Legolas wasn't looking at me. 

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