It's a hard life

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(I just love Queen haha)

Éomer POV

"Hey Gimli!", I called to the dwarf, who instantly turned around and sat down next to me.

"How're you doing, laddie?", he asked me.

"Better now, at least. But really not great", was my honest answer. "You know, I feel bad about falling ill and getting all the attention, when really it should be Haldir they're all worried about. I do hope he wakes up soon."

Gimli nodded and was lost in thought for a moment. There was a heavy burden on my heart, concerning the fateful night I fell ill, and I wanted to talk to someone. Because the dwarf had cared for Haldir as much as I had, I figured he'd understand me.

"Can I tell you something?", I asked.

"Sure, I'm a perfect person to confine in, whatever secrets you have!", he grinned. "What's on your heart, go on, tell me."

"It's about Haldir", I started, and at once Gimli turned serious again and was all ears. "That night when we first were watching him, I woke up and it was in the middle of the night. There was someone awake, and he looked so much alike the elf, that I thought he had woken up without our noticing. So I got up and ... and ... and I kissed him. But Gimli, I am so ashamed. It wasn't who I thought it was, because when he told me to get off I realised it was Legolas! I wish I could never had met Haldir. I wish I had never fallen for him when I first saw him. I wish this all wouldn't have happened!"

While talking, my eyes had filled with tears of shame and I realised I was crying silently. Gimli was completely silent, just staring at me with wide open eyes. Then he cleared his throat and said:

"Well, yeah, that's a great mess you've gotten yourself into. Maybe you're right and you shouldn't have come. Now it's all too complicated."

I was surprised he took my side so eagerly. I had hoped, that he would try to convince me I was wrong. But apparently I was very much right and it was for the better if I had never come. 

"I need to go now, get well soon", Gimli said and stood up to leave. 

"Thank you, Gimli!", I called after him. But he didn't answer.

Haldir POV

My world was white and bathing in light. Calm and comfortableness filled my mind and my thoughts wandered from yellow flowers on a sunny meadow, to fresh red apples on an old, wise apple tree. If this was death, then I'd love to stay.

Suddenly I noticed a silhuette of a tall person standing in front of me. He wore a long white tunic and his blonde hair almost reached the ground.

"Welcome, Haldir of Lórien", the person spoke. It sounded like a melody, sung by a whole cloud of birds, and the words danced in the air before me, almost as though I could see them. "I see you enjoy your stay."

"I enjoy the apricot sorbet, it's delicious!", was what came out of my mouth. And indeed, as I looked around me, I saw empty bowls that smelled deliciously of apricot. 

"Most people like it when they first come here, as it's one of our specialities", he said. "If you stay, you will find more of such enjoyable dishes, alongside many other pleasant activities, inside this palace. I, for my part, greatly recommend the chamber orchestra. Their music sounds like a call from heaven. Which it is, of course."

He continued telling me about all luxurities there were in this place, and around him colours hovered in the air, like colourful silk ribbons. The smell of cinnamon reached my nose, and I almost drifted off in some kind of comfortable trance I never wanted to wake up from. But then his tone changed, and he told me the reverse side of the coin.

"But, of course, if you wish to return, provisions will be made immediately. I am informed, that your task on earth isn't fulfilled yet, and I see in your heart that you yourself haven't left your life behind to never come back. But think carefully, think sensibly. It is a great choice not many are offered, and it is all yours to decide. I will return, and then I will ask you: Will you stay or will you return?"

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