Speak English!

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Legolas POV

I pulled Aragorn with me, out of the curious eyes of the people around. My head was spinning like crazy, as if it couldn't believe what was happening. And neither could my heart, which was a big mess of emotions. In a storeroom filled with barrels and weapons, I stopped and turned around. Aragorn was watching me interestedly, not really bothered by my choice of location. While I tried to figure out my feelings, and what to say to him, he took another step towards me.

"Look", I started and took a step back. He couldn't just come back and think everything was fine. Confused, he focused on my eyes, which made me a bit nervous, but I blinked the feeling away and untangled my thoughts. "You can't just come back and pretend like nothing happened. We thought you were, that you were ... dead" my voice cracked "and we had lost you." 

He was watching me intensely. I could feel the tears building in my eyes, but I needed to go on. 

"Do you even know how that feels? To lose someone you love? I thought I would never see you again, never hear your voice anymore! My life is worth nothing without you, so I didn't want it anymore! Ask Gimli, he'll tell you about it, but I had already given up! My plan was to hide in those caves behind us until finally my stay on this earth would end. And then you show up and pretend it's all no big deal!"

I had started to shout at him without even noticing, but now I saw the hurt in his face and the ban broke. My tears started rolling down my cheeks again, uncontrollable, and I stood there, hand hanging at my side, and must have looked miserable. Which I was.

"I didn't realise...", Aragorn started, but left the sentence unfinished. Instead, he came up to me and hugged me. It felt so good to feel his arms around me again, and I relaxed a bit.

"I am sorry, Legolas. I forgot how terrible it feels when you think you've lost someone dear to you. But I do remember. I thought I'd lost you back there in Edoras, the day after I fell sick. I do remember how it feels. Please, I'm sorry, I love you Legolas."

Now I was crying like a baby. He'd made me feel both better and worse at the same time, and in between my tears I laughed. 

"What's funny?", he asked amused.

"I just ... I know noone that can make me both sad and happy at the same time", I answered quietly. He smiled against my neck, which was where he had rested his head. 

"I do hope that I made you more sad than happy", he replied, then took my face in his hands. "But to be completely sure, I'll try again."

I saw him smile before he kissed away my tears, each one, until I wasn't crying anymore. Then he gave me a small peck on the nose and nestled his face in my hair.

"I've missed you. I've missed your hair, it always smells so good!", he told me, and made a big deal about smelling my hair. I chuckled.

"Good that you've returned, because I almost cut it off", I answered. He stopped with what he was doing to give me a reprimanding look.

"How dare you? I live for that hair!"

We both laughed. He was back, and I was with him, and the darkness lightened. At least enough for me to stand up and live again. I hugged him closer and enjoyed the warmth of his body. 

After a while we heard the clamour of a great mass of people coming closer to where we were standing. Their loud voices and the sudden clatter of weapons made us jump apart and seek the source of the noise. We rounded a corner and encountered a group of guards in Rohan's uniform, and a huge crowd of both elderly and young boys, who were talking to each other, but were seemingly very upset. 

"Every man needs a weapon and either a shield or a helmet", one of the guards announced and started handing out the swords, bows, arrows, helmets and shields that stood everywhere in the storeroom. It was a desolate sight: those men were either too old or too young for battle, and the weapons they should use were older than their grandparents. Suddenly I spotted Gimli, who pushed himself through the people and towards us.

"And where've you two been? I've searched the whole castle and ran around like a crazy hobbit!", he greeted us. I felt the blush creep into my face, but the fuming dwarf in front of us was rather fun to watch and instead of getting nervous about what he had said, I chuckled. And all of a sudden, an idea formed in my head, which made me laugh even more.

"Tur-mín teilien a glaudh bo hon?", I asked Aragorn. Instantly, his face cracked open in a wide smile. 

"Im mel i naw!", he replied, and his face turned serious again. "Mín ped-a dilthen."

"Tur-im treneri-cin i cin thír bain foeir hi?", I said with the same serious face. Gimli was watching us angrily, and with each word we said he seemed to fume even more. 

"Im ped-i bíleb nia cin."

"Speak English, for heaven's sake! I don't understand a thing!", Gimli burst out. I gave Aragorn a meaningful look and he exclaimed:

"Then I'm going to die as one of them!"

The dwarf just looked at us with his mouth wide open, then he turned around on the spot and walked away. Under his breath he muttered something that sounded like: "Stupid, these two, never a sane word from them, no."

I burst into a huge laugh attack once he was gone, and Aragorn joined me. Joking with Gimli really lifted one's mood, even in the darkest situations.

Hi! Here's the dialogue from Aragorn and Legolas, because I assume Sindarin (Elvish) is not a very common tongue haha:

"Tur-mín teilien a glaudh bo hon? (Can we play a joke on him?)", I asked Aragorn. Instantly, his face cracked open in a wide smile.

"Im mel i naw! (I love this idea!)", he replied, and his face turned serious again. "Mín ped-a dilthen. (We should talk a little.)"

"Tur-im treneri-cin i cin thír bain foeir hi? (Can I tell you that you look very handsome right now?)", I said with the same serious face. Gimli was watching us angrily, and with each word we said he seemed to fume even more.

"Im ped-i bíleb nia cin. (The same goes for you.)"

I know the Sindarin is really bad, I couldn't find all the words I needed, so it's all a big mishmash of words and probably grammarwise wrong too. But I really love the language and would like to learn it properly someday, so if any of you knows a source I can use to learn it, please write in the comments! 

Hope you liked the chapter! Bye!

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