An unlucky encounter

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Aragorn POV

The valley was filled with the light of the setting sun, red and golden, and shadows spreaded along the hillsides. It was beautiful and one of the reasons I loved Imladris so much. Arwen sat silently on her horse next to me. While I knew she didn't want me to notice, I felt her glances every other minute. Maybe it had been a mistake to come here with her, I should have asked Legolas to join us too. But now it was too late and I just wished I hadn't done too much damage.

"We need to return to the palace, my princess", I said in a low voice, to still be able to take in the moment. "It will be dark soon, and the way back is not short."

"Of course", she just replied, but showed no sign of moving. I waited the appropriate time to show my respect, then gave Astaldar a sign, so she started walking back. At first she walked in a slow pace. Arwen still didn't move. I stopped my horse again.

"My princess?", I asked a bit louder this time.

Suddenly she turned her horse around in one swift movement and rode up right next to me. She reached out with one arm, put it around my neck and pulled me towards her, while she herself leaned from the saddle. Her kiss was gentle, yet craving. It felt like she marked me and claimed me as her own. This was not what I should do. It wasn't right and I knew it. But, against my will, I enjoyed it. It was nothing special, I had kissed women before, even beautiful ones, but I still liked it. She was an elf and a princess after all. My inner eye saw Legolas in her place. 

And then he was there. He was sitting on a white horse and looked me right in the eye. I saw his bitter disappointment. Suddenly, he pulled his horse around and disappeared in full speed in the nearby forest. 

Slowly I broke the kiss and sat upright again. I couldn't look Arwen in the eye, not after this. But she didn't either. I saw a smile creeping onto her face, which she couldn't hide. Eventually riders emerged from the trees nearby. Elrond had sent them, they told us, to search for us. I should have known. Legolas had been one of them, clearly worried, and now he was gone. With a sudden sick feeling in my stomach I started moving again and followed the elves back to my childhood home.

Legolas POV

Elves couldn't die from natural causes. We couldn't really die at all. Still, it felt like I was dying, when I rode back to the palace. Someone had just torn my heart apart and left me bleeding. I don't need to mention who this someone was. Or what he had done.

My brain told me that it had been Arwen's fault, because it was her who had initiated the trip. But my feelings told me otherwise, and they were too strong to ignore. 

"We have found them, my lord", I told Elrond in a brisk voice as soon as I entered the hall. He looked up from a book he was reading and looked at me. I was sure he saw my anger and grief, but didn't comment it. I was thankful about that. 

"Thank you Legolas!"

He turned his attention to the book once again.

"My lord?", I asked. 


"I will leave tomorrow  morning, if you will. My father needs me, and I have rested long enough to return home quickly."

He looked up again and mustered me more intently. I tried to stand upright, and not tumble, because I couldn't deal with my feelings.

"Of course", he said quietly. "I supposed you would want to. I will give you one of my horses."

With that I was dismissed. I strode to my room quickly to pack my things. If I occupied myself with something, packing, maybe I could hold my emotions at bay. I knew it wouldn't work out as soon as I had closed the door to my chamber. The tears started falling immediately and clouded my vision. 

Elves don't cry. Tears rolling in a steady stream I threw myself onto the bed and stayed there. As dinner was announced my cheeks were red, and my eyes dry and swollen. I would have to use the bathroom for a minute, if I was to appear amongst the living again. Elves don't cry.

The way to Gondor (Aragorn and Legolas fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now