Beginning of something new

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Aragorn POV

It was a chilly day and the wind danced over the roofs of Edoras. I stood on the high platform of Meduseld, where the king's garden spread out like a balcony over the city, and breathed the fresh air. Once again, I wore my brown ranger clothes, and my sword hung by my side. A bird chirped his song in the sky, and the people of Rohan were heard chattering and laughing. Many men had come to the capital to participate in the upcoming war. They were preparing weapons, horses and food for the long journey to the west, and a merry atmosphere hang in the air. It made me feel alive again, and I was looking forward to finally be able to participate in the war against the greatest enemy of all. There wasn't much more I needed to be happy.

Suddenly two gentle hands were laid over my eyes from behind me. I leaned into the touch.

"I know it's you, Legolas", I said with a huge smile on my face. Now I definitely had everything to be happy.

"Well, good guess, mister I-just-walk-away-from-lunch-without-telling-anyone-where-I'm-going-just-to-look-at-the-birds", the elf replied jokingly. I chuckled, then turned around and placed my hands around his waist. 

"Were you afraid I'd run off with some horseman?", I teased him. But the second I said it, I knew I'd twisted the knife in his wound. "Forgive me, I'm glad you came out to find me. Because I just realised that birds aren't very entertaining, if you watch them for too long."

Legolas shone up again and I was satisfied. I gave him a small kiss on his forehead, then turned around to face the wide fields of Rohan again. 

"Difficult times are coming, don't you think?", I asked him, while still having one of my hands around his waist. He leaned his head on my shoulder and replied:

"Certainly, I do. But they will be the easier to endure if we face them together."

"You are right. Despite any dangers we may find ourselves in, I will never leave you. I promised, and I will keep that promise."

Legolas smiled, still looking into the distance. The next few minutes passed in silence, as we watched the events down in the city. It was a great sight, the strongest and bravest of Rohans forces had come together, and all thrown together in one place made it look like they were invincible. Théoden himself would lead his army, and I knew they would follow him to the death. He must be giving them great hope, due to the fact that he hadn't been seen outside Meduseld for almost a year. I wondered what it was like to follow such a great leader. Never had I followed anyone else than myself and my own decisions. Would I give my life for anyone? But the answer was clear even before I finished the question in my head. I'd give my life for the elf next to me, and I'd do it over and over again, until fate was satisfied with me. A sudden wave of affection washed over me and I pulled Legolas around so that I could look him in the eyes.

"You know I love you, right?", I asked.

"I do."

"Good", and I kissed him.

My hands were in his hair and I pulled him closer still. He wrapped his hands around me, and it felt like if he would ever let go, I'd drown. My love was too big to live without. If he ever left me, I knew I would fade into nothingness. Therefore, I wanted him to know just how much I needed him in my life. My kisses were filled with passion and desire, and I held on to him as if my life depended on it.

Later I remembered the song of the birds. As we stood there in the king's garden, they gathered on the walls and roofs nearby and sang. It was an old tale, passed down from generation of generation of birds, and the air itself listened to it as they sang:

"Deep in the forest, on a lonely glade,

there once grew a flower more bright than a blade

mankind has forged since the world was their home

but they denied its existence in their dark homes of stone.

A flower white but silver at night,

it spread its glow in the welcoming light.

Its power long forgotten to those 

who dwell in the forest where the flower grows.

But its virtue is known by the flying kin,

and used sometimes by the forest king. 

Because this flower with leaves so white,

is a star that fell down in a long passed night.

Its smell makes even the strongest man weak,

and the speechless stones begin to speak.

Because the power from the star from above,

is simply: love."

Ok so I tried really hard to write a poem of my own, because the poems are what make lotr so special, but I know it's not that goood :), maybe I'll do another one, maybe not, but at least I can just improve haha

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