Rivendell in all its beauty

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Legolas POV

After a good night's sleep I woke up to bird song and sunlight flooding my room. I hadn't slept well for a few weeks. Out in the nature you always had to be on your watch, otherwise you might be surprised by wild animals or even worse. So this night had definitely done me good.

"Legolas, please, may I show you around the city later?", Elrond asked over breakfast. He and his daughter had joined me as I had arrived early and eaten all by myself. But Arwen was not really present. I guessed, she waited for Aragorn. Why would she not? Every woman would be looking after him, and many men would too, I assumed.

"Of course, my lord, I'd love to see your beautiful city!", I answered, and Elrond nodded. The breakfast continued silently.

Until Aragorn entered the hall. He had apparently taken a bath, because his hair was still wet, and he was dressed in elegant, but comfortable looking clothes. 

"Good morning!", he said cheerfully. "May I join you?"

"Of course, take a seat!", Arwen exclaimed excitedly. Her father shot her an annoyed glance. Aragorn just smiled. 

"Arwen", he nodded his head towards her, then turned around to me. "Legolas" (nod) "have you slept well?"

"Thank you, the night was very pleasant. I certainly appreciate your hospitality, my lord", I answered, and as I mentioned Elrond I nodded to him, but my eyes I kept on the man opposite me. Aragorn seemed content, for he started a conversation with Elrond.

"Do you have plans for us today?", he asked him.

"I do", Elrond responded, "Legolas will follow me to the city so I can show him this beautiful place. Then I will discuss the matter with Mirkwood forest with him more deeply. Will you join us Aragorn?"

Aragorn replied without hesitation: 

"I'd love to. You know I love Imladris as much as you do."

Elrond smiled and bent over his breakfast again. Arwen was still watching Aragorn, but he just ignored her. I noticed, how well done it was of Aragorn, to call Rivendell by its elven name. It must please Elrond, and it showed respect. Aragorn was really a smart guy. 


We walked down a narrow path to the city. The air was warm and smelling of flowers, and birds were singing everywhere. This was enough for me to feel at home again, because it reminded me of Mirkwood. Elrond showed us all the beautiful places, buildings and special spots there were in his city. He explained about the establishment of it in the first age, and recounted Rivendell's history while we wandered around. Aragorn walked beside me, and sometimes bent over to tell a joke in my ear. He was in a very good mood today, probably because this was his home. And I certainly enjoyed his company. 

"I will go back to the palace", Elrond announced later. "You can look around a bit more if you want to. Lunch is at twelve, and after that I would like to discuss the matter with you Legolas. Is that in everyone's interest?"

"We will stay in the city some more", Aragorn replied immediately. I shot him a glance, then nodded and looked at Elrond.

"Very well, I will see you later", he said and walked towards his palace, his tunic flying after him.

"Now", Aragorn said with a teasing smile. "Now I will show you my personal favorite place in this city."

And off he was. With big steps he walked away, towards the riverbank. I followed him quickly. After a while we reached the water, but Aragorn turned right, so we followed the river upwards, towards the head of it. On our way were sweet-smelling flowers and huge friendly trees and I felt so comfortable. Finally Aragorn stopped, and I saw where we were.

Before me was a bridge, over the tiny stream of water there was up here. It was the most beautiful place I had ever seen. Aragorn turned around to me and watched me. I was sure my face was bright red. Of the effort of reaching here, of my excitement or of something else I couldn't tell. There were new feelings in my stomach that I had never felt before. They were always there whenever Aragorn smiled at me. 

We stood on the little bridge and took in the surroundings. I closed my eyes and let my senses take it all in. For me, such places were like magic, because I heard every bird, every insect and every leaf the wind moved. 

Suddenly I felt a movement and a warm breath beside my ear. Then a hand stroked a strand of hair out of my face. I opened my eyes. There he was, standing as close to me as nobody else had before, not even my own father. And I could feel it. The magic. Slowly he bent forwards, his hand still on the side of my head. And then he touched his lips to mine. It was so careful, that I almost didn't feel it. 

I hadn't even noticed that I had closed my eyes, but when I opened them again, he was still there observing me. I couldn't stand this, I didn't want him to stop. So I took his head in my hands and kissed him back. 

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