The door of Durin

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Legolas POV

"Gandalf, we need to turn back! We can't continue in this snow!", I called to Gandalf, who was walking slightly in front of me. The wind blew so strongly, that I had to shout even this short distance.

The wizard stopped and turned around. Behind us, Aragorn and Boromir fought their way through the massive heaps of snow, Gimli was not far behind. Of him, only his head was still to be seen from under the snow, and he held his axe in front of him, to push the white masses out of his way. In the distance, Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin were struggling to keep up. With their bare feet they were blue from the cold and because of their height they barely managed to see a metre in front of them. The wind drew them back with each step, wanting to throw them over the edge of the small mountain path they were following. 

Suddenly, a big chunk of snow hit all of them from above. Scared, that someone had been buried under it, I digged first myself and then every arm or leg of the others I saw out of the snow. 

"It's Sauron!", Gandalf shouted over the noise from the storm. 

"We must return!", Boromir shouted back.

"There is no other way!", the wizard countered.

"Yes there is!", Gimli's voice called from behind. "If we cannot go over the mountain, let's go under it! Let's pass the mines of Moria! My ancestors will welcome us with open arms!"

Everyone was silent, watching Gandalf consider this option. 

"You know of what the dwarfs have awakened from the depths of the earth?", he asked. "It is too dangerous!"

"But we can't continue here", Aragorn spoke up. 

"Let the ring-bearer decide", the wizard exclaimed and looked at Frodo, who had now emerged at where they stood, alongside him the other hobbits. After weighing the two options, he said:

"We'll go through the mines of Moria!"

"It is decided then", Gandalf said, "Come on, fellowship, hurry up!"


Many long minutes had we sat before the gateway to Moria. The large stone door with its inscription in ancient elvish had not moved the slightest, and Gandalf's treasury of words that could be the password had decreased rapidly. I was sitting on a stone at the water edge to the black lake there was at the foot of the mountain. My thoughts wandered to Mirkwood and my father, whom I had drifted away from even more than ever before. Suddenly, a hand was placed on my shoulder.

"What are you thinking?", a low and rumbling voice asked. The man lowered himself to the ground next to me and watched me from underneath. 

"Oh nothing, just about my father", I responded, avoiding the question. Now was not the right time nor place to discuss the lack of love I got from the man who raised me. Aragorn eyed me closely, then said:

"You will tell me sometime what troubles your mind. But let us not think of it now."

He shuffled closer to me and took my hand in his. 

"How have you enjoyed our trip so far?", he asked, with a glint in his eye. It must be either because the trip can not in any means be described enjoyable, and worse is to come, and also he spoke of OUR trip, as if we went on it together, not the whole fellowship in tow. While I considered my answer, he kissed my hand slowly, almost like the sign of honour one shows a prince, but I knew he meant it not like that.

"You certainly know how to flatter me, don't you?", was my reply. I said it with a laugh, but my cheeks were bright red. My hope was, that in the dark from the mountains he wouldn't be able to see it.

"I am glad I do", he answered. "Will you not tell me what has been troubling you recently?"

I didn't want to. 

"It is nothing. Just some silly thought of mine."

He still held my hand and caressed it with his thumb. The movement made me shiver slightly and I needed to take a deep breath to be able to control my feelings. He was engaged after all, as Arwen had been sure to show me that time in the garden.

"I don't care if it is silly", Aragorn said, "If it makes you sad, I want to be able to help you."

His eyes were so full of affection and worry, that I needed to look away. My breath was shaking already,and it was hard to hold tears at bay.

"Tye pole vamme (You can't)", I whispered, a single tear rolling down my cheek. The man beneath me reached up, really worried by now, and wiped it away.

"Whime? (why)", he said silently.

"The door is opening, come on, quickly!", Frodo's voice was carried to us. And indeed, the giant stone gate had moved and behind it a complete and absolute darkness would encase us. We both stood up in one movement and strode to the entrance to the mines of Moria. Suddenly, a giant tentacle rose from underneath the surface of the black lake and caught Frodo's foot. A heavy battle began, where not just one arm of the monster was chopped of by Gimli and me, and then we immerged into the darkness of the Halls of Durin.

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