Fight on the stone hill

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Third person POV

The company of king Théoden of the Mark set off at sunrise the following morning. Armours shone in the first rays of the sun, weapons glittered and horseshoes clattered on the streets of Edoras. It was a migthy sight to those who were left behind. Almost all men followed the king to war, whilst the women and children stayed to witness their beloved one's return in glory. But behind each and every happy face, there was fear and mourning. Because chances were high, that none of these brave men would ever return.

It was the shieldmaiden's task to evacuate the city and bring the remaining citizens to their safe haven at Helm's Deep. She wasn't happy about it, but none cared about her wishes. After all, it was an honour to represent the king when he was at war. But what would happen to her, if none of her beloved one's returned? Her uncle, her brother, Háma, all were to leave her. 

"Don't be frightened, my dear sister", her brother had said as goodbye. "When all is over I'll come back to you."

She had hidden her angry face behind her long beautiful hair. Afraid, no she wasn't afraid. She was jealous of all the brave warriors, that would fight for her country, while she had to stay at home, making tea and nursing children. What a life was this?


Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli were side to side with Éomer. They had been sent out with a small group of warriors to accompany the long line of women, children and elders, that made their way to Helm's Deep. It wasn't longer than a days march, but the air itself breathed misery and fear. After all, the inhabitants of Rohan had to leave both their beloved husbands and sons and their homes behind, to live in dark caves in a mountain fortress. It wasn't something anyone would be happy about. Least of all lady Éowyn herself.

She was in a bad mood and Aragorn had avoided talking to her since yesterday evening. He thought he knew why she was angry, but he also knew, that he couldn't do anything about it, so he left her be. 

"It's nice to actually do something at last", the first marshall of the Mark said, "I was tired of chasing orcs all day long, and out in the fields all the time. Now finally there will be a real battle where we can fight like honorable men."

"We'll see about that, Éomer", answered Aragorn. "I myself wouldn't be so sure about that war is better than stray orcs. And fair fights? No, I don't suppose so. I've dealt with orcs and their pack for as long as I live, and I can assure you that there won't be any fair fighting amongst them."

"But they won't be able to stand up against us, now that we are all gathered in one army. None will be spared by my sword!", Éomer replied proudly, putting his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"Not my axe either, you can be sure about that, Aragorn, laddie!", Gimli spoke up and grinned. "It'll make a fine orc puree when I'm done with them."

"Sure Gimli, because you know how to cook alright", Legolas answered him, smiling amused at the dwarf.

"Yeah I can cook, if you must know! Back home I did sometimes, when my wife was busy polishing her jewellery. I always quite liked my mutton stew, ye know", the dwarf said.

Everyone laughed. The atmosphere amongst the riders was joyful and unconcerned, whilst the women and children were dragging their feet forwards, in order to reach the caves. Aragorn asked Legolas to ride a bit on ahead, and scan the surroundings for enemies. One could never be too cautious. The elf nodded and gallopped away. On a small stone hill he stopped and looked out over the landscape ahead of them. Aragorn watched him, so he noticed at once, that everything was not right, when Legolas quickly rode back, his face grim.

"There's warg riders, and a whole pack of orcs waiting for us just a few miles ahead. We must ride ahead and preoccupy them, unless we want them to feast on Rohan's children and women tonight. I suggest we send a squadron of men to disperse them", the elf told him in a silent voice. Aragorn nodded and talked to Éomer. Quickly, they gathered about 30 men to ride with them.

It wasn't long until they reached the ambush and the orcs attacked. There were more of them than they had expected, because in the meanwhile, more warg riders had come down from the nearby mountains. Legolas and Gimli fought side by side, killing orcs and wargs in one go. Quickly nearly all of the enemies were killed, and the rest fled. It was just then that they realised Aragorn wasn't anywhere to be seen. 


"Laddie where are you?"


The cries dissolved over the wide fields ahead. At last, Legolas found an orc leader, that was almost dead, but who still could talk. 

"Where is he? Tell me!!", he demanded in desperation. But the orc just laughed, coughing blood. Legolas kicked him and shouted at him to make him speak. 

"Dead", the orc coughed out, "Dead in the river."

After one last chuckle, the orc perished. The elf stood still in shock. Gimli went the few steps towards the side of the hill, where it fell steeply down into a fast river. It was dark with blood, orc blood. Mumbling a silent prayer, the dwarf returned to his devastated friend, who still hadn't moved from the spot. 

"Come on, lad, there's nothing we can do", he tried to soothen him and led him back to their horses. For the first and probably last time ever, Gimli  sat up first and had to drag Legolas up behind him. As he did so, the dwarf noticed the elf's cold hands, stiff and cold. 

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