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Legolas POV

Gandalf took me to the king's hall and placed me before a bowl of warm porridge. He told me to eat, and then go outside to get some fresh air. Normally, I'd gladly have done exactly that, but today, after what had happened, I felt no appetite whatsoever, and leave the palace was the last thing I wanted to do.

With dark thoughts I poked around in the bowl. The only thing I wanted to do was see Aragorn. Why should he not want to see me? Had I done something without noticing? There must be something I'd done wrong, because I really couldn't understand it. I caught a glimpse of Gandalf, who talked to the king, and then they went into one of the conference rooms the king used for important meetings. They'd surely be gone for some time. Additionally, Gimli just entered the hall and slumped on the bench across from me. He seemed in a better mood than before and hungrily started slicing a piece of a huge loaf of bread. 

"It's alright, laddie. He'll come around", he told me. I didn't answer. "Go outside, get some fresh air, clean your mind."

Why was everyone telling me this? No, I wouldn't go! But an idea crossed my mind, and I pulled myself together to answer.

"You know what? I will. I shall take a walk down to the city. Don't search for me, I'd rather be alone", I said. Then I stood up and left the hall, Gimli staring after me. But soon enough he was concentrated on his food again.

Out in the corridors I sped up my steps. Now was the chance, there wouldn't be anyone with Aragorn right now. Éowyn had left early this morning to find some special herbs in the forest nearby. As I turned into his corridor, my heart was pounding fast along with my running feet. I knocked on the door and waited for what felt like millenials, then a silent "yes" let me in.

I opened the door and there was he. His hair was messy and his face pale and tired. The rest of his body was covered by a blanket. He did really look very sick, and I had never seen him like this before. not even that time after the wolve-attack. His eyes were closed.

"Who is it?", he asked quietly.

"It's me,  Legolas. I wanted to know how you feel."

Suddenly his eyes shot open in shock. 

"You can't be here, you need to go!", he told me with a louder voice now. I didn't move.

"Why? Why don't you want to see me? I just want to know you're ok!", I cried, and I saw pain in his eyes.

"Go, please, just go and let me rest."

The tears started building up again, and I felt a sting in my chest. The coldness spread in my whole body. What had I done wrong? 

"Legolas, please."

I turned on the spot and rushed out of the door, slamming it shut behind me. Tears were now rolling down my cheeks and I felt drained and empty inside. My anger had come back, filled with sadness and desperation. Maybe he had chosen someone else. Someone who had healed him the night before, and not been lying in his bed, sleeping while he was suffering. A strange feeling started to build in my stomach. It hurt, but it was an angry feeling, almost madness, and hatred. My feet barely took me to my room and I collapsed on my bed. Heavy sobs escaped my throat, and the world turned into a black hole of pain.


Third person POV

If Legolas had stayed a little longer outside Aragorn's closed door, he would have heard the man's silent sobs. If he had just stood there five more seconds, he would have heard him cry. If he had waited a bit more, he'd heard Aragorn's whispered words.

"Forgive me, Legolas. Please, forgive me!"

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