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Legolas POV

Gimli walked off with Haldir and I almost laughed my head off with Aragorn. The dwarf had looked hilarious when he was complimented by Haldir, as if he'd never met an elf who was actually nice to him. Quite unfair, because I thought we were on rather good terms, but apparently Haldir had made a great first impression on Gimli.

In the meanwhile, Aragorn and me met with the king for the final preparations before the battle. Actually, it was just Aragorn talking to Théoden, and me standing around awkwardly, but I didn't object as long as I was with the man I loved.

"Where is Haldir? He should take the command over his forces", the king was currently saying, and the words caught my attention. Indeed, he and Gimli had been visiting the caves for quite a long time.

"I assume master Gimli is showing him the fortress, so that Haldir is informed well enough to make a strategy for where his men are needed the most and will be the most useful", Aragorn answered innocently. I don't know why we both seemed to not believe what he had just said, but something in Gimli's eyes had told me, that he wasn't thinking about battle when they had left. "Legolas will take the command over the elves, if you don't object, as long as Haldir is busy elsewhere."

He smiled at me and I smiled back. It would be a great honour for me to command a huge army of Lórien elves, and I was grateful he had given me the chance. Even though I didn't think Haldir would like the idea. But it really was his own fault when he didn't turn up in time.

Later, Aragorn and me were standing on the wall overlooking our forces and the valley below. It was nearly dark, and rumours about the huge hostile army were circling amidst our men. I had divided up the elves, so that their bowshooting skills would come best to use, and I was a bit nervous, not about the fight, but about me leading such big forces. Because in opposite to me, Aragorn wasn't commanding anyone but himself, and that was a big change to what I was used to. He had always been the one telling us what to do, and now I was bestowed this responsibility. At least until Haldir came back. 

"Watch out, Legolas, Gimli is advancing. You should be prepared for a long, very long, story about the caves!", Aragorn said to me. He was smiling amusedly, and now I noticed Gimli pushing his way towards us. Haldir was close behind.

"You won't believe it, laddies, he knows some real respect for dwarvish work and...", Gimli started, but Aragorn interrupted him. 

"You can tell us all about it in a while, Gimli, but I think for now Haldir should take the command over his forces again, unless he wants to let Legolas keep leading them."

Haldir nodded thankfully at him, then went over to me.

"I most thank you for preparing my forces for this battle. I will now take the lead again, but as I will stay on the west side of the wall, you may take the command over here. I know my men will follow you, you are a very good warrior!", he said. I couldn't answer him other than nod. After smiling at Aragorn and Gimli and wishing us good luck, Haldir disappeared in the other direction to take up his position. 

"He told me my axe was braver than many elvish swords in his army", Gimli started at once. "And it is very fine work, he said. Fine work! An elf said that, can you believe me? I mean, they have all those strong elven swords and he thinks my axe is fine work!"

I chuckled. Never had I seen Gimli so enthusiastic, not even if he was about to slay orcs with his axe. Haldir must have made a very good impression on him. 

"We went down to the caves and I showed him all the precious stones and stone formations, and he was impressed by my deep knowledge. Haldir himself, he told me, had always appreciated the beauty of the earth, and I was the first person he had ever met, that appreciated it as much as him."

"He's a very fine man", Aragorn said smiling. "I'm glad you get along well with Haldir."

"Get along well?!", Gimli exclaimed. "I get along with him more than well, he's even smarter than Legolas!"

Well, thank you Gimli. Maybe having Haldir around wasn't that good after all. 

"Oh I didn't mean that", Gimli burst out. "You know we're on good terms, right, laddie? What I wanted to say was, that Haldir really understands me. I mean, he told me my beard was very impressing, and that's a compliment for a dwarf, I can tell you. But he's not worse off with that hair of his, elvish and all."

Aragorn shot me a knowing glance and I tried to hide my grin. I wasn't angry with Gimli after all, just glad he'd found someone he could talk to, which wasn't me or Aragorn. I realised just now, that the journey must have been very lonely for a dwarf, always surrounded by elves or men, and not one single person from his own kin. If nothing else, I owed him a friendship with Haldir. But from the looks of it, the term friendship might not be the right word, which I could see from Aragorn's raised eyebrows and knowing twinkle in his eyes. 

"Should we keep an eye on him?", he whispered to me, when Gimli was making his way towards the wall. 

"Probably", I answered, then smiled. "But for now, there's a fight to win."

The man smiled and pressed a quick kiss on my ear. 

"We should get ready."

In the distance, we could hear the enemy's horns blowing, and I knew the night was going to be a very long one.

The way to Gondor (Aragorn and Legolas fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now