The Council of Elrond

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Aragorn POV

He watched the other representatives carefully, each and every one of them looking doubtfully at Elrond, who was currently speaking.

"And thus, we must destroy it! Some of you might remember the times of darkness, which Sauron brought upon us. He is awakening. He is gathering hordes of orcs and creatures of the dark in Mordor. He makes alliances with the men who have succumbed to evil. His army is growing with each day that passes. But he lacks one thing, the One Ring, which is the key to his power. And he will try anything to be in the possession of it again. As free peoples of Middle-Earth we must do everything in our capabilities to prevent him from getting the ring back. War will come upon us, and this is our only chance to save Middle-Earth!"

I merely listened to him because I appreciated his rhetorical skills. Elrond really knew how to capture his listeners and convince them of his statement. Apart from me there was one other man present, who represented the people of Gondor. Boromir, son of Denethor, whose father was the Steward of the king. Other than that, a few dwarfs had come, Legolas and some other elves from kingdoms that were in the same area as his, Frodo and Gandalf.

"This ring is a gift. Why not use it? Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor kept the forces of Mordor at bay. By the blood of our people are your lands kept safe. Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it aganinst him", Boromir's voice was heard as he stood up. It was my clue to speak.

"You cannot wield it. None of us can. The one ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master."

"And what would a ranger know of this matter?", he spat, despising me with his eyes. Of course, he hadn't recognized me. He thought, he couldn't let himself down to speaking to a ranger.

"This is no mere ranger", Legolas had raised himself from his chair. He stood proudly in front of Boromir and gave him an angry stare. "He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance."

Unbelieving, the man from Gondor turned around to face me again.

"Aragorn. This ... is Isildur's heir", he said. His face told me all about what he thought of me.

"And heir to the throne of Gondor."

Legolas was apparently not done with uttering statements about my ancestry. It was qite flattering that he bestowed so much honour upon me that he spoke up like this, because it was not his usual manner, but if he continued like that, the Council would know my whole family history, and that was rather too much.

"Havo dad, Legolas (Sit down)", I said. He obliged and I shot him a thankful look. But Boromir was not done. He spoke one last despising sentence to me.

"Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king."

It would be hard to get on with him.

(Dialogue from the film again, I don't own it. Please give credits to the film producers of "Lord of the rings")

Gandalf POV

The Council decided upon, that Frodo should bring the Ring to Mordor, to destroy it in Mount Doom. It was his choice, but I trusted him to complete the task. Frodo was a Baggins after all, and his uncle had went on adventures no other hobbit would have survived. Frodo would be accompanied by Aragorn and Boromir, who represented the men, Legolas for the elves, Gimli as the only dwarf and three other hobbits, who were rude enough to eavesdrop at the Council and didn't let go of their wish to join Frodo whereever he went. I wasn't really pleased by this, because one hobbit already was quite much, and four would most likely mean trouble. And I was sure, that none of them foresaw the dangers and cruelties they would have to face on this trip. Most likely, they would never return. However, maybe they could give the ring-bearer the strenght to not give up when it came to that.

The fellowship was well-chosen, if I may say so. Aragorn was everything a good king needs to be, even though he didn't want to accept it yet. Boromir on the other hand was more dangerous, regarding what he had said about the ring at the Council. I would have to keep an eye on him. Gimli was a strong dwarf, with a kind heart, as I believed, and that was more than I had hoped for from a dwarf. And Legolas was of course an elf, which meant he was as perfect as no human could ever be. He would most likely see his responsibility in saving everybody's lives, even when it was impossible to save them. It was good to have him with us. 

Somehow he and Aragorn got on really well, even though they had never met before. Which was what Aragorn had told me. And he had no reason to lie. I was just glad this had worked out so well. The fellowship would have to trust and rely on one another, and with Aragorn and Legolas doing exactly this, the others would follow their example. At least, I hoped so. 

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