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Aragorn POV

We sprinted back to where the rest of the fellowship had been eating in piece just a few minutes ago. Through the trees, I could see them standing in a ring, weapons drawn, and confronting a pack of hungry wolves, that slowly strode closer and closer and cirled them with jaws wide open. I grabbed Legolas sleeve and held him back.

"We need to surprise them, the chance is higher for us to defeat them. There are too many of them for us to fight in open battle", I whispered in his ear. He nodded, understanding my plan. 

With silent steps we sneaked up behind the wolves and in one swift motion I stabbed one of them, so that it fell dead on the forest ground, and Legolas had shooten two arrows and thus killed two more of the wild animals. Luckily, none of them made any sound while dying, so we were still unnoticed. Without approaching the fellowship in the middle, we made our way parallel to them, and killed wolves on the way. Slowly, their lines faded, but there were still enough of them to kill our friends. 

I noticed, there was a kind of leader wolve, who approached our friends the closest and was most daring. All the other wolves followed his example. Whenever he did a step closer, they did too. With my finger I pointed him out to Legolas. If we could kill this wolve, the pack would dissolve in lack of a leader, I figured. Legolas pulled out another arrow and aimed. In one smooth movement, he let go and the leader wolve lay dead on the ground. But instead of great confusion amongst the enemies, they turned around, having sensed us now and noticing all the dead bodies. They seemed to not care for their leader at all, rather becoming more angry and dangerous now that he wasn't there anymore.

Third person POV

"Mib-glamog, ngaurhoth!", Aragorn cursed under his breath. Despite the situation, Legolas looked at him in amusement, his expression clearly asking: Did you just really say that? (Translated literally it means: Kiss an orc, wolfpack. It was my invention, because I needed an elvish swearword haha)

However, there was no way to escaped the fight anymore, so both Aragorn and Legolas held their weapons ready. Out of the corner of his eyes, the man saw that Boromir shooed the hobbits behind a tree nearby, then he and Gimli fought from behind. Maybe there was a chance to win, if the wolves were attacked from both sides. 

In one swift movement Legolas shot three arrows at once, killing a wolve that had just jumped at Aragorn and nearly chopped his head of, and another arrow slit open the throat of two more beasts. Slowly, but steadily, as the fight went on, the wolves lessened. And after what seemed like an hour, the last few ones disappeared into the woods. Boromir, Gimli, Legolas and Aragorn paused to take a proper breath. 

Legolas wasn't hurt at all, not even a scratch, but both Gimli and Boromir had a few bruises that needed to be looked over. Together with Sam, who had some medical knowledge, Legolas took care of the wounds. Suddenly, Frodo let out a cry of fear, which made the elf startle and swirl around at what Frodo was watching. He supposed, some of the wolves had come back and started another attack, but what he had to face was much worse. Aragorn was barely standing upright, clutching at a tree, and blood dribbling out of a big dirty wound on his side. 

With a horrid expression on his face, Legolas shot up from where he was kneeling on the ground and ran over to his friend. Aragorn didn't respond, when the elf asked him what happened, just pushed away the fabric of his tunic, so that the wound got visible. A big claw had hurt him, and left three great stripes, out of which came a mass of blood. It made its way down the side of the man's pants and dirtied the ground. 

"Some help over here, please!", Legolas cried to the hobbits, who were just staring at them. After what seemed like an eternity, they had finally exited their paralysation and moved again. 

Suddenly Aragorn quivered, and the next second he collapsed. 

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