Demands of a king

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Legolas POV

The sun shone through the windows into my room and bathed it in light. Outside, I could hear the noise of the crowd, celebrating their future king. Aragorn. It was late afternoon, and soon, he would be crowned as king of Gondor. I rested my hands on the windowsill and looked out over the land we had protected from extinction and recalled the happenings of the last days. 

It had been tiring and exhausting, both to body and mind, and we were all in a time of recovery from it. Our brains needed to understand, that even though so many brave men had lost their lives to the enemy, it had ended in victory for us. The war was over, and despite all the horror and mourning that had come with it, now was a time for celebration. In the afternoon, Aragorn's coronation would take place here in Minas Tirith, and it would be the final happening that showed the war was really over.

Unconsciously I combed my hair with my fingers and made my two braids that kept the hair out of my face, while still lost in thought. Suddenly there was a slight knock on my door, and as it opened and the person stepped into the room, I didn't even have to turn around to know who it was. A smile crept onto my face.

"Man erin, meleth nîn! (Good morning, my love)", his gentle voice filled the room and my heart with warmth. I was almost ashamed that after such a long time, he still made me feel this way. "Have you slept well?"

"Gar-im (I have)", I answered without turning around, but I could feel his eyes on me and the smile on his lips. "What about you?"

"I haven't slept this bad since a very long time", he answered surprisingly. "I'm not used to such big beds anymore, especially not when I wake up every hour and find you not there by my side. It was just too lonely!"

Now my face was a single big smile. Aragorn put his hands around me from behind and I let my head rest on his shoulder. I really could relate to what he had said, because it was exactly the same for me. He nestled his nose in my hair, then placed a soft kiss just underneath my ear. 

"I've got a surprise for you", he told me, and I closed my eyes to just listen to his beautiful voice. 

"And what's that?", I asked.

He chuckled and took my hands in his, still embracing me. 

"You'll see", was the answer. "Patience, my love."

My love. The sound of it tasted like summer berries on my tongue and it felt precious like a wildflower, but yet so natural, like it had been like this forever.

"Why don't you tell me now! I don't want to wait!", I complained and made my pouting face. 

"You're quite impatient, my prince", he teased me. "You'll have to learn to wait."

He placed another kiss on my cheek, then let go of me and walked over to the window to look out over the land that would be his to rule by sunset. Now that he wasn't holding me anymore, I felt the warmth of his body vanish, and I wanted it back. Therefore I put my hands around his neck and tried to pull him closer again, but he gently pushed me away.

"Too impatient", he said and continued looking out the window. "Where are your elvish manners?"

I made another pouting face, while I stood next to him in front of the window. He turned around to look at me and I didn't break the eye contact.

"Maybe you need to teach me?", I suggested innocently.

"That's what you want, right?", he chuckled. "But don't worry, you'll have enough of that in the evening. Your king will teach you very much, and you must oblige!"

He took a strand of hair in his hand and played with it. 

"Of course, my king", I replied and smiled. "I'm looking forward to it!"

Now he laughed and his joy made me feel like the luckiest elf on earth. 

"We'll see about that", he told me with a grin on his face. "Your king can be very demanding!"

Sorry you had to wait for so long, I've had a lot to do this week, and the weather is so nice outside, that I don't spend as much time writing as before. I hope I'll be able to publish at least two chapters a week for now, but we'll see. Anyways, don't worry, I'll keep publishing and there will be a proper end to this story. Have a nice day!! 

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