Until forever

324 16 19

Third person POV

Birds were gathered in the trees outside, singing their beautiful songs, the sun sent her rays bright and warm to the hearts, the small fountain on the yard bubbled with joy and the air was filled with laughter. It was THE day. Everyone had been looking forward to it for a long time and now it was finally time. The king's marriage.

On the courtyard huge flower arrangments had been set up and pennants and lanterns were stretched out over the place. Gandalf the wizard, who would lead the ceremony, stood on the terrace and watched the people beyond him. He had a smile on his face and his eyes were framed with small laughter lines. It was a warm day and most men wore only their shirts, but Gandalf was fully  dressed in cloak and hat as always. Whispers went around about this, because nobody had actually seen the wizard dressed in anything else.

"Welcome!", Gandalf started. "Welcome to this ceremony, the marriage of king Aragorn of Gondor to Prince Legolas of Mirkwood! I hope you have all come in joy and happiness!"

Cheers erupted from the crowd and Gandalf waited a little while. 

"Now, let us welcome the groom, I mean the first one!", he continued and laughters were heard at his words. But other than that, nothing happened.

"Where's the king?", someone shouted from the yard, and many began to wonder, looking around in confusion. Mattei, the boy from Rohan, who had silently stood amongst the people, waiting for his masters to get married, suddenly burst into action. If someone was to search for Aragorn, then it would be him. And he thought he knew where to find him too.

Indeed, the king was very busy right now. It shall not be told here, what exactly kept him from turning up at his own wedding ceremony, but it shall be said, that his husband-to-be was very much involved.

Thus, Mattei found them in the king's chamber and, not without grinning at the guilty faces of the men in front of him, reprimanded them to attend the ceremony at once. 

"Otherwise maybe they'll wed someone else", he said, which got them up on their feet immediately. "Maybe you should comb your hair!", Mattei called after them, as they rushed away through the corridors, but only Legolas heard him, who returned, grabbed his brush and was off again. Aragorn had messy hair the whole time anyways, so it didn't really matter if he had it now, Mattei figured.

"Ah, so here we have the king!", Gandalf exclaimed, as Aragorn turned up on the terrace behind him. "Now we can start!", he smiled with a twinkle in his eyes at Aragorn, who looked back at him with the most innocent face ever seen. 

Some elves of Elrond's company began to sing, and the beautiful elven music filled the air. It lifted the spirits and enchanted everyone in its magical beauty. Aragorn smiled and looked somewhere behind the crowd. For now the elven prince emerged from there and, led by his father (who had willingly agreed to this the night before, but not after making sure, that Legolas' tiara shone more brightly than the crown of the king), and approached Aragorn, where he stood on the terrace, waiting for him. When he finally reached the front, Thranduil put Legolas hand in Aragorn's and then stood proudly next to them. First after a little cough from Gandalf did he return to his seat in the first row. 

The ceremony was beautiful, and the two fiancés looked into each others eyes the whole time. Everyone could see, that their love indeed was very real and very big.

"Do you, Legolas, prince of Mirkwood, take Aragorn, king of Gondor as your husband until death breaks you apart?", Gandalf asked.

"I do."

The crowd sighed contentedly and Legolas shone with happiness, as beautiful as an angel.

"Do you, Aragorn, king of Gondor, take Legolas, prince of Mirkwood as your husband until death breaks you apart?", Gandalf now asked the king.


A loud gasp was heard from the whole crowd, who stared at the king in amazement and dismay. Gandalf stared confusedly and Thranduil stared with his mouth wide open, until he remembered to close it again. The elven prince had frozen and all air had gone out of him. 

"What?", he finally breathed, his voice so weak only Aragorn could make out his words. 

But Aragorn stood there as if nothing had happened, still enjoying the ceremony, which was supposed to be his wedding. Then he raised his voice, and spoke loudly, so that everyone could hear him.

"I will not take you as a husband until death tears us apart. Death shall never separate us. I will take you as a husband until eternity, and even thereafter."

"You are such an idiot, you know that, right?", Legolas told him.

"But I am your idiot", and Legolas smiled. 

Hi, sorry it took me so long to write this, but I wanted to write a good last chapter. And, as a present to you all, I will publish an epilogue too, so you don't have to be sad. I also have ideas for a second part of this story, and I'll soon start another story probably about Thranduil and Bard, but I don't intend it to be as long as this one. So stick around, I hope I'll see you over on a new story! Bye!

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