Problem solving

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Éowyn POV

The expression of the elf's face changed drastically while reading the letter. It went from indifferent and hurt to pure astonishment. And I knew, because I had been watching him the whole time. Now that he was done, he looked up with confusion written all over his face. Gandalf took the letter from him and gave it to Aragorn. He read it quickly, and I watched his face go through the exact same expressions as the elf's had done.

As soon as the man stopped reading, he dropped down on the nearest chair and buried his head in his hands. The letter had fallen to the floor, and I took a step forwards to lift it up. Nobody was paying attention to me, so I unfolded the arch and started reading. Gimli came to glance over my shoulder. By the time we were done, Gimlis mouth was wide open and my own hands were trembling. This was far worse than I had expected. 

After some minutes of complete silence, Gandalf cleared his throat.

"These wise words take some time to understand", he started. "And I gave you enough time to wrap your heads around it. I hope you have all understood what the matter is?"

Legolas cast down his eyes and Aragorn sighed. Gimli twisted awkwardly on the spot.

"I shall leave you alone now, my stomach gives me no rest", he got out, then hurried to the door and I decided to follow him. The conversation that would follow was not intended for my ears. So both Gimli and me fled.

Third person POV

The wizard followed the two people, who left the room, with his eyes, then stood up. He paced back and forth, his hands folded behind his back. Legolas was watching him, Aragorn still hadn't looked up. 

"This situation is serious", Gandalf started once again. "Because of your behaviour, and I mean both of you, our whole mission is hanging by a thread! Haven't you ever considered, that actions cause consequenses?"

He was turning angry, and stared at the two men beneath him. 

"We need to solve this situation. Aragorn, do you love Arwen?"

Legolas gasped at this direct question, coming from Gandalf himself. And Aragorn? He finally looked up at them, a single tear leaving his eye. His answer was almost inaudible.

"Not enough."

The wizard pondered on this answer and decided, he needed the man to clarify what he meant. He asked again: In what way did Aragorn love Arwen?

"She is my sister."

The air was filled with tension, and for all concerned parties it felt like the storm might erupt every moment. 

"Finally", Gandalf muttered under his breath. "One sensible answer, finally."

Out loud he said:

"Now that this is clear, tell me the reason!"

Aragorn sighed and seemed very uncomfortable in his skin. But luckily he could pull himself together and answered:

"It is as lord Elrond wrote. I love someone else."

"Thank you for being honest with yourself eventually", the wizard said sarcastically. "So, what is your decision. Will you go to Minas Tirith, or will you stay?"

"I'll go", Aragorn answered silently, and Legolas clenched his fists shut. "But first, I will ride to war alongside king Théoden of the Mark, and follow my path, wherever it may lead me."

Gandalf hummed in agreement and came to a halt before Legolas on the bed. 

"Then we come to you", he stated and stared the elf in the eyes. The latter seemed to shrink into the cushions at the wizard's stern look, but he didn't break the eye contact. "I suppose you know now, what disease you are suffering from?"

The elf did. But he didn't want to admit it before Gandalf. It would be too much of a humiliation. And suddenly he understood Aragorn. He understood, what he had felt like just two nights ago. The hatred now left his heart once and for all, leaving space for other feelings again. Sorrow and pain, and even a tiny bit of love. 

"I shall leave you to solve this situation by yourselves. Come to terms with your feelings."

Gandalf turned arond and left the room. The two men he left behind stayed in an awkward silence. Until, suddenly, the future king of Gondor turned his head to look at the elf. Their eyes locked, and another tear escaped Aragorn's eye. But now was no turning back, he had to do this, because it was all his fault after all. He had made two people fall ill, and both he loved dearly. It was almost too much for his kind heart to endure. 

"Legolas, mellon nîn", he whispered. "I am so sorry I made you feel like this. It never was my intention to hurt anyone. Believe me when I say it, but ... Im mell-cin."

The way to Gondor (Aragorn and Legolas fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now